GI members Drs. John E. Muñoz and Shi Cao partnered with the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Aeronautics (WISA) to speak on the intersection of technology and human physiology at the Vital Pulse seminar taking place on June 27th, 2024. The topic “Advancing Pilot Training with Physiological Monitoring and Adaptive Simulation” aims to highlight the future of aviation, aircraft, and spacecraft training of Canadian pilots.  

According to the Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace, Canada is facing a pilot shortage. This encouraged WISA members Drs. Elizabeth Irving , Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo, John E. Muñoz, and Shi Cao to collaborate and display how new technology can enhance pilot training, reduce environmental impact, and deepen our understanding of pilot skill development.” With the data collected from flight simulations, they train machine-learning algorithms to use artificial intelligence (AI) to evaluate, predict, and measure pilot performance. 

To learn more, join Drs. Cao and Muñoz in the upcoming Vital Pulse hybrid seminar, alongside experts from NASA Langley Research Center, Drs. Alan Pope and Chad Stephens, as well as Dr. Roxy Fournier from Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA) by registering online.