Government of Canada’s Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)

Female employer and co-op student looking at a laptop

As part of the Government of Canada's Student Work Placement Program (SWPP), a variety of funding opportunities are available for employers to hire students for the purposes of experiential learning.

This funding is being administered by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) through the following delivery partners.

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Recent updates

The Government of Canada's Student Work Placement Program has announced changes to SWPP funding. These changes include:

  1. Net new hiring restrictions will be reintroduced. Net new refers to the growing number of students you hire each year and represents the number of work placement subsidies you are eligible for.
  2. Funding will cover up to 50% of student wages. Students hired from under-represented groups, including first-year students, women in STEM, indigenous students, persons with disabilities and newcomers, may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.
  3. Co-op students may continue to work from home, or in a hybrid work setting.

NOTE: Some exceptions may apply if you will be engaging a student as an independent contractor.

Are you eligible to apply?

This guide provides you with a general assessment of eligibility.

If you meet the following requirements, you will likely be eligible for SWPP funding.

Note: Remember that final decisions lie with the SWPP funding partners. This is to provide employers with a guideline only

Employer eligibility assessment

The employer is:

  • A registered Canadian business or organization
  • Not a federal, provincial, or municipal government organization
  • Financially capable to hire a student for a part- or full-time work term, pay them consistently and provide a meaningful work experience

Student eligibility assessment

The student is:

  • A Canadian Citizen, permanent resident or a protected person defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
  • Registered as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution program
  • Not an international student requiring (or on) a work permit
  • Not an immediate family member of the employer

All SWPP delivery partner info

BioTalent Canada


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply:

Organizations in Canada looking to hire for roles related to biotechnology and healthcare.

Learn more about the terms, conditions and eligibility of BioTalent Canada.

How to apply:

Through their website, download and fill out the "SWPP Employer Application Package".


  • Employers NEED to have a candidate before applying.
  • Employers must hire the student first. Once a candidate is identified they will apply for funding. However, the candidate can't start their co-op until approval has been granted. It can take up to 10 business days to process an application.
Application due dates: Check the BioTalent website for application due dates.

Colleen Hayes (

Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council (CAHRC)


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply: Any Canadian organization related to agricultural, such as food growers to retailers, nursery, horticulture, and ag-tech firms, are eligible to apply under this program.
How to apply: Start the application process for CAHRC funding!
Application due date: Check the CAHRC website for application due dates.
Contact: Megan Lockhart, project co-ordinator, AgriTalent Program

Canadian Council for Aerospace and Aviation


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply:

Organizations in Canada working in the aerospace and aviation industry (cannot be a research position in a school lab).

Learn more information about the terms, conditions and eligibility of Canadian Council for Aerospace and Aviation.

How to apply:

Complete and submit the online employer application.

Don't have a candidate in mind? You can post your job on WaterlooWorks.

Note: Employers need to have a candidate before applying.

Application due date: Check the Canadian Council for Aerospace and Aviation's website for application due dates.
Contact: Kethy S-K Sangaré
Phone: (613) 727-8272, ext. 261

Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA)


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply:
  • Employers must be a registered member of CMPA.
  • Must be co-apply with a mentee candidate (student).
  • Must contribute a minimum of $1,950 toward the mentee stipend.
Learn more about eligibility requirements for CMPA.
How to apply: Start the application process for CMPA funding!
Application due date: Check the CMPA website for application due dates.
Contact: Sarolta Csete

Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC)


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply:

Organizations in Canada within the cultural sector, both for-profit and non-for-profit. This includes:

  • live performing arts
  • writing and publishing
  • visuals, arts and crafts
  • film, television and broadcasting
  • digital media
  • music and sound recording
  • heritage
  • cultural management
  • export marketing

Federal, provincial, municipal and territorial governments are not eligible.

How to apply:

For more details, check out the CHRC information package.

Application due dates: Check the CHRC website for application due dates.

Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC)


Electricity Human Resources Canada’s (EHRC) Empowering Futures Program is Canada’s student work placement initiative for the electricity industry, providing financial incentives of up to $7,000 to employers who create new Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities.

Eligibility/who can apply:
  • Firms whose primary activity is the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.
  • Firms engaged in sector support, including renewables, in any of the following areas: R & D, business development, energy efficiency.
  • Firms engaged in the manufacturing of equipment or the provision of services necessary for generation, transmission or distribution.
  • Post-Secondary institutions are no longer eligible to receive funding.
  • Learn more about EHRC terms, conditions and the employer and participant eligibility criteria.
How to apply:

To qualify for the program, the company must be Canadian owned or a Canadian subsidiary.

  1. Ensure your organization meets all terms and conditions stated above;
  2. Create an organization account on EHRC’s platform Funding for Futures
  3. Complete the EHRC Employer Application Form
  4. Have your participant complete the EHRC’s Participant Eligibility Form, which is automatically generated once your Employer Application is complete


Employers DO NOT need to have a participant before applying. However, full approval cannot be granted before EHRC receives the completed Participant Eligibility Form.

Application due date:

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the funding is exhausted.

Check the EHRC website for more information.

Contact: EHRC Project Co-ordinator
Phone: (613) 235-5540 

Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) Canada - Co-op Program


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply:

Organizations in Canada that are looking to hire students from science, technology, engineering, arts or mathematics (STEAM). Work terms must be at least six weeks long. Funding can be applied to part-time students as well as co-op students.

Learn more about the terms, conditions and eligibility of ECO.

How to apply: Complete the form for "Host employers" of ECO on ECO Canada Wage Subsidy Program page.


  • Employers NEED to have a candidate before applying.
  • Funding needs to be approved before the student starts their placement.
Application due date: Check the ECO website for application due dates.

Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC)


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% (up to a maximum of $7,000) of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply: Work placements should be relevant to manufacturing and related sectors.
How to apply: Apply for EMC (Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium).
Application due date: Check the Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium website for application due dates.
Contact: Wendy Gray, Senior Project Co-ordinator
Phone: 1-519-377-5709
EMC Logo

Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec - Accueillez un stagiaire

Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC)

Amount: Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.
Eligibility/who can apply: Work placements should be relevant to food and beverage manufacturing and related sectors.
How to apply: Click here for more details on how to apply for FPSC.
Application due date: Check the FPSC website for application due dates.

Jennifer Brown, Project Manager

Tiffany Gelvez, Project Specialist

Information and Communication Technology Council (ICTC) - WIL Digital Subsidy

Amount: Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.
Eligibility/who can apply:

Eligibility requirements include:

  • A registered business in Canada
  • Company must be in the following sectors: intelligent retail, fintech, advanced manufacturing, entertainment and gaming, connected transportation, e-health, cybersecurity, big data, or clean tech
  • Must offer a quality full-time position to a student
  • Must have insurance
  • Must be compliant with Human Rights and Labor legislation, regulations, and laws
  • Must create a net new student position
How to apply:

Visit ICTC's WIL Digital Program site to create an account to apply.


  • Employers NEED to have a candidate before applying.
  • Funding needs to be approved before the student starts their placement.
Application due date: Check the ICTC website for application due dates.



50% of the wages (to a maximum of $5,000) for each net new placement.

70% of the wages (to a maximum of $7,000) for each net new placement for under-represented groups including women in STEM, Indigenous students, newcomers, and persons with disabilities, visible minority as well as first-year students.

Eligibility/who can apply:

Any registered Canadian business or non-profit organizations.

Note: Government employers including municipal are not eligible for funding. Standard SWPP eligibility applies.

See Magnet’s website for more information about terms, conditions and eligibility.

How to apply:

Via Magnet’s website, select the first option at the top “Apply for Funding” which will take you to the Outcome Campus Connect platform. (Note: do not select “Hire and apply for funding”, students should be hired via University of Waterloo).

Employers who hire many students at a time are encouraged to connect with Magnet via the email below to streamline the process.

Application due dates: Application due dates are regularly updated under the “How the program works” section of Magnet’s website.

Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)

Amount: Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.
Eligibility/who can apply: Organizations in Canada (small and large companies/post-secondary institutions/non-profit organizations) working in the mining or mineral exploration sectors are encouraged to apply.
How to apply: Organizations must fill out and submit the Gearing Up Application Form of MiHR to Applicants will know within 10 days if their organization has been approved. Once approved, your organization will:
  1. Find a candidate (you'll be able to post a position on WaterlooWorks).
  2. Notify MiHR of your candidate and they will email the necessary documents for funding.

More information can be found on the MiHR's Gearing Up applicant guide or on MiHR's Gearing Up Program page.

Notes: Employers do not need to have a candidate before applying.

Application due date: Check the MiHR website for application due dates.

Phone: (613) 270-9696 ext. 63

Ontario Chamber of Commerce

For registered Canadian businesses or non-profits


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply:

Eligibility requirements include:

  • A registered, Canadian business or non-profit.
  • Not a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal government.
  • Committed to paying the student for the role for the duration of the placement in full (subsidy administered after receiving final pay stub).
  • Must be compliant with Human Rights and Labor legislation, regulations, and laws
  • Covered by WSIB or alternate workplace insurance
  • Only submitting applications for paid placements that are not subsidized by the federal government under another funding program.
How to apply: See details on the Ontario Chamber of Commerce website.
Application due dates: See the Ontario Chamber of Commerce's website for application due dates.

Technation (Formerly known as ITAC) - Career Ready Program

For employers within the technology sector (or related projects)


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply: Registered Canadian businesses and non-profits who can provide a meaningful, tech-focused work placement opportunity to a student.

Students must work in a role that is tech immersive - although they are not required to be studying something in tech. International students are not eligible for funding.

Large financial sector employers and municipal governments are no longer eligible for funding.

How to apply:

Complete the online Employer Eligibility Assessment of ITAC and submit it with the necessary documentation.

To access the application portal, please visit Technation's website.


  • Employers NEED to have a candidate before applying. Only applicants who are able to submit information about the job and the student will be considered.
Application due date: Check the ITAC website for application due dates.

Tourism HR Canada (THRC)

For employers within the tourism and hospitality industry


Funding will cover up to 50% wage subsidy (up to a maximum of $5,000).

Students hired from under-represented groups may be eligible to have up to 70% of their wages subsidized. This is determined on a case-by-case basis at the end of each work term.

Eligibility/who can apply:

Registered Canadian businesses, startups, and not-for-profits related to the travel, tourism, and hospitality sector.

See more info on THRC eligibility requirements.

How to apply: Start the THRC application process using the online Propel portal.
Application due date: Check the THRC website for application due dates.

Trucking HR Canada

For employers within the transportation and logistics industry

Amount: Funding will cover up to 50% of a student’s wage (up to a maximum of $5,000). Students hired from under-represented groups are eligible for a subsidy of up to 70% of wages subsidized.
Eligibility/who can apply: Any Canadian business in the transport and logistics industry, as well as those who have a large logistics component in their business (e.g. private fleets) or work primarily with the logistics industry (e.g. supply chain-specific solutions providers).
How to apply:

Submit your application to Trucking HR Canada. Applicants will know within 10 business days whether their organization has been approved. Once approved, your organization will:

  1. Find a candidate (you'll be able to post a position on WaterlooWorks).
  2. Notify Trucking HR Canada of your candidate and they will email the necessary documents for funding.

Note: Employers DO NOT need to have a candidate before applying.

Application due date: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for both the current and upcoming academic term.

Venture for Canada - Internship Program

For startups or related entrepreneurial projects and innovation in Atlantic Canada, British Columbia and the Prairies.

Amount: Up to $7,000 is specifically available for under-represented groups including women in STEM, Indigenous students, newcomers, and persons with disabilities, as well as first-year students.
Eligibility/who can apply: Employers must:
  1. be a small to medium-sized business, start-up, social enterprise, nonprofit, or charity (1-500 employees)
  2. have their business located in Atlantic Canada, British Columbia and the Prairies

All industries welcome!

Employers can be from a wide range of industries from agriculture to robotics and anything in between.

How to apply:

To join this program and access this funding, complete the application form on the Venture for Canada website.

Note: Employers do not need to have a candidate before applying.

Application due date: Check the Venture of Canada website for application due dates.
Contact: Contact Venture for Canada via email.  

Frequently asked questions

We've taken questions that we know our employers are asking and have consulted with our experts at Co-operative and Experiential Education to provide some helpful answers.

Is there a maximum number of students I can hire and receive SWPP funding for?

No limit is set, however since funding is limited, SWPP partners reserve the right to limit your intake.

What is "net new"?

Net New refers to growing the number of students you hire each year and represents the number of work placement subsidies you are eligible for.

How is net new calculated?

Net new is determined by subtracting the number of students your company is intending to hire (forecast) in the current fiscal year, including those already hired, from the number of students hired by your company in a fiscal year prior to first participating in this program (baseline).

For example, if your company hired 3 students in the fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) prior to applying for funding, 3 is your baseline. Then, your company must intend to hire at least 4 students in your forecast of hires within that fiscal year to qualify for 1 subsidy to support the increase.

Forecast – baseline = net new student placements eligible for wage subsidy

Are international students eligible to participate in the program?

No, the program is only open to students with Canadian citizenship, permanent residents, or refugees with the right to work in Canada.

Can a student I hire work from home?

Yes. Provided that the student meets all the eligibility criteria, the student can work remotely.

Can I hire a student as an independent contractor and still be eligible for SWPP funding?

Possibly. However, SWPP partners prefer to subsidize students who are employees of the employer and may decline an application for a student hired as an independent contractor. Contact the SWPP partner for more information.

Is a research position eligible for SWPP funding?

Yes. You may stack provincial funding with SWPP funding but not other forms of federal funding

For example: if you’ve already received NSERC funding for your co-op student, you will not be eligible for SWPP funding.

Can I stack funding?

You may stack provincial funding with SWPP funding but not other forms of federal funding.

For example: if you’ve already received NSERC funding for your co-op student, you will not be eligible for SWPP funding.

What if a co-op student is partially paid by federal funds? Are they eligible for SWPP funding?

You cannot stack SWPP funding with other forms of federal funds.  If a student’s wage is partially funded by federal funds, the remaining wage is not eligible for SWPP funding.

SWPP cannot be calculated on a portion of a student’s wage when some of that wage is federally funded.

If you already hire UWaterloo students, please contact your service team about any questions you have about SWPP by logging into WaterlooWorks and sending a message.