By: Maddie Savage (she/her)

As 2022 wraps up, Co-operative and Experiential Education highlights some of our top stories of the past year.

These top stories showcase the value co-op students bring to employers and how employers prepare for future-ready talent.

Here is a glimpse at our most-viewed stories of 2022:

1. Celebrating a 40-year career journey that started with co-op

Donald Phillips celebrates a 40-year career at XAP Corporation. Phillips completed six terms as a Waterloo co-op student at the organization prior to his four-decade run.

2. Canada’s Top 100 Employers list for 2023 includes 73 University of Waterloo co-op employers

Seventy-three of Waterloo’s co-op employers ranked in the Globe and Mail’s Top 100 Employer list for 2023. This recognition highlights the caliber of Waterloo’s co-op employers and their ability to adapt in the changing world of work.

3. University Health Network hires dozens of co-op students for launch of new health information system

Using an application called Synapse, Waterloo co-op students helped the University Health Network carry out a new health information system. The company hired students to work as at-the-elbow support and non-medical device testers.

4. Employers need to prioritize 2SLGBTQ+ concerns to attract co-op students and emerging talent

After two years of remote and hybrid work, employers need to provide a safe environment for gender expression, gender identity and sexual orientation to attract future-ready talent. Lumentum shares how they are supporting 2SLGBTQ+ employees.

5. Students help deliver customer experience at Kenna

Customer experience management company, Kenna has hired Waterloo co-op students for more than 20 years. Kenna credits their success to the passion of co-op students. Students work closely with the team and get hands-on experience with large projects.

6. Co-op students help drive innovation at multinational automotive solutions organization

Waterloo co-op students impress Stuart Fraser, vice-president of Martinrea International, with the quality and speed of their work. Martinrea received the 2021 Employer Impact Award for Impact in Innovation.

7. Insurance brokerage evolves their brand and their co-op program as part of plan for growth

Digital insurance brokerage company, Mitchell & Whale is one of Canada’s top growing companies according to The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business magazine. As the company continues to grow, they are hiring more co-op students to become insurance experts.

8. Questrade invests in future talent with students

Questrade invests in students by providing them with real experiences as UX writers, junior data scientists and information security analysts. For the last 15 years, the organization has hired Waterloo students to prepare for future talent.

9. Waterloo Psychology co-op students are helping the most vulnerable populations

Waterloo Psychology students show that they have the skillset and compassion to work with vulnerable populations during their co-op terms at non-profit organizations House of Friendship and L’Arche.

10. Staying on the frontline of training with students

Co-op students at Axonify work to help frontline employees manage online learning. They bring fresh perspectives and learn from mentors at the organization.

Honourable mentions

ATS encourages a growth mindset for co-op students to reach their full potential

At Automation Tooling Systems (ATS), Waterloo co-op students work on innovative projects to provide solutions to help customers with their challenges. The company’s co-op program helps them to recruit future talent while students gain confidence in the world of work.

Nurturing Arts co-op students as HR professionals of tomorrow

With the expected rise of work in human resources, Peel Regional Police and NavBlue hired Arts co-op students to help with increased demand. Waterloo students help the organizations adapt to hybrid work and promote employee wellness.