300+ co-op students help Waterloo transition to online courses
The University of Waterloo is leveraging more than 300 co-op students to support faculties in the development and delivery of new online academic courses.
The University of Waterloo is leveraging more than 300 co-op students to support faculties in the development and delivery of new online academic courses.
Norah McRae, Associate Provost for Co-operative Experiential Education, and Judene Pretti, Director of the Waterloo Centre for the Advancement of Co-operative Education (WatCACE), have been recognized by Co-operative Education and Internship Association (CEIA) as 2020 award recipients.
New student counsellor positions and a digital virtual care tool will be created to expand the wellness service offerings for co-operative education students at the University of Waterloo.
In this article, we asked a recent Waterloo co-op grad (and Gen Z'er), Negin, to share some of her insights about what she looks for in a job. Through her own experience in the workplace, Negin offers four key ways you can:
For the past four years, the University of Waterloo has been ranked the number one university in Canada for employer-student connections, according to the 2020 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Graduate Employability Rankings.
By: Mahek Kacheria
For my first co-op term, I landed an international job opportunity with Kaizen Institute in my hometown Ahmedabad, India. I worked at their regional marketing division for India & Africa as the Business Development and Marketing Associate.
The first-ever Global Charter for Co-op and Work-Integrated Education has been signed by more than 50 university and college presidents, education association executives and high-ranking government officials.
By: Jillian Smith
Caleb Dueck, a first work-term co-op student in mechatronics engineering, created not one, but two robot bartenders while working at Eascan Automation in Winnipeg.
Every year, six exceptional co-op students, one from each faculty, are recognized by the University of Waterloo for their contribution to their employer, their community and the further development of experiential education.
From March 18-22nd 2019, Cooperative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada) invites co-op and work-integrated learning employers / partners to participate in a social media contest celebrating Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Week!