Stamp of approval – first work term students bring value to Nahanni Steel
By: Delia Loveless (she/her)
As Waterloo employers know, there are many ways that co-op students can offer value to an organization.
By: Delia Loveless (she/her)
As Waterloo employers know, there are many ways that co-op students can offer value to an organization.
By: Namish Modi
Nissan embraces first-term Waterloo co-op students because they bring novel ideas to the organization while generally not exhibiting any pre-conceived biases.
By: Namish Modi
University of Waterloo co-op students like working for manufacturing organizations because they work in cross-functional roles, develop dynamic skills and may secure multiple jobs at the same organization.
By: Namish Modi
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) discusses how University of Waterloo Arts co-op students come equipped with transformative, future-proof skills which leads to improvements in their workplace by the end of the student's work term.