Current graduate students

Thursday, June 15, 2023 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Impure Quantum Codes: Applications and Bounds

CS/Math Seminar - Andrew Nemec, Duke University

Impure quantum error-correcting codes display interesting properties not found among classical codes, such as having multiple low-weight errors map to the same syndrome. In this talk, we will look at how these codes can be used to design good variants of quantum codes, such as quantum-classical hybrid codes and quantum data-syndrome codes.

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The 14th annual Undergraduate School on Experimental Quantum Information Processing (USEQIP) was in full swing over the last two weeks at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC). This outreach program invites undergraduate students from around the world to IQC for a deep dive into quantum information. Students learn an introduction to quantum theory, explore experimental approaches to quantum devices, and have the opportunity for hands-on exploration over nine different experiments.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

IQC Student Seminar featuring Matteo Pennacchietti

Near-Unity Entanglement from an Indium-Rich Nanowire Quantum Dot Source Compatible with Efficient Quantum Key Distribution

Thus far, the workhorse platform for generating entangled photons for many quantum information experiments has been spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC). However, due to their Poissonian photon statistics, these sources cannot operate in the high efficiency limit without a significant reduction in the degree of entanglement. In contrast, there are no such limits placed on semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) embedded in photonic nanostructures. To date, near-unity entanglement fidelity has not yet been measured from indium-rich QDs, which are promising candidates for realizing such a source. We performed quantum state tomography using single-photon detectors with ultra-low timing jitter and employed two-photon resonant excitation. We measured a raw peak concurrence and fidelity of 95.3 +/- 0.5% and 97.5 +/- 0.8%, respectively, as well as lifetime-weighted average concurrence and fidelity of 0.90 +/- 0.04% and 0.94 +/- 0.04%, respectively. These results conclusively demonstrate that most of the degradation from unity-measured entanglement fidelity in earlier studies was not due to spin dephasing. Additionally, we show that the exciton fine structure splitting, contrary to common understanding, is not in principle a fundamental barrier to implementing QKD with semiconductor QD entangled photon sources.

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Tuesday, June 6, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

IQC Student Seminar featuring Jack Davis

Exploring Wigner Negativity of Pure Spin States on a Spherical Phase Space

The past two decades have largely vindicated the long-held belief that Wigner negativity is an indicator of genuine nonclassicality in quantum systems.  Here we will discuss how Wigner negativity manifests in pure spin-j systems using the spherical Wigner function.  Common symmetric multi-qubit states are studied and compared, including Bell, W and GHZ states.  Spin coherent states are shown to never have vanishing Wigner negativity, in contrast to other phase spaces.  Pure states that maximize negativity are determined and analyzed using the Majorana stellar representation.  Time permitting, these results will be contrasted with similar works on symmetric state entanglement and other forms of phase-space nonclassicality.

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Monday, June 26, 2023 10:00 am - 11:00 am EDT (GMT -04:00)

Jack Davis PhD Thesis Defence

Wigner negativity on the sphere

The rise of quantum information theory has largely vindicated the long-held belief that Wigner negativity is an indicator of genuine nonclassicality in quantum systems.  This thesis explores its manifestation in spin-j systems using the spherical Wigner function.  Common symmetric multi-qubit states are studied and compared.  Spin coherent states are shown to never have vanishing Wigner negativity.  Pure states that maximize negativity are determined and analyzed using the Majorana stellar representation.  The relationship between negativity and state mixedness is discussed, and polytopes characterizing unitary orbits of lower-bounded Wigner functions are studied.  Results throughout are contrasted with similar works on symmetric state entanglement and other forms of phase-space nonclassicality.

Thursday, June 1, 2023 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

An Optimal Oracle Separation of Classical and Quantum Hybrid Schemes

Math/CS Seminar - Atsuya Hasegawa (University of Tokyo)

Recently, Chia, Chung and Lai (JACM 2023) and Coudron and Menda (STOC 2020) have shown that there exists an oracle $\mathcal{O}$ such that $\mathsf{BQP}^\mathcal{O} \neq (\mathsf{BPP^{BQNC}})^\mathcal{O} \cup (\mathsf{BQNC^{BPP}})^\mathcal{O}$. In fact, Chia et al. proved a stronger statement: for any depth parameter $d$, there exists an oracle that separates quantum depth $d$ and $2d+1$, when polynomial-time classical computation is allowed.

En français

Dr. Jonathan Baugh, a professor at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the University of Waterloo’s Department of Chemistry, is working to create new, high-quality materials with desirable properties for future applications in quantum computing.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

IQC Student Seminar featuring Sainath Motlakunta

Preserving a Qubit During Adjacent Measurements at a Few Micrometers Distance  


Protecting a quantum object against irreversible accidental measurements from its surroundings is necessary for controlled quantum operations. This becomes especially challenging or unfeasible if one must simultaneously measure or reset a nearby object's quantum state, such as in quantum error correction. 

In atomic systems - among the most established quantum information processing platforms - current attempts to preserve qubits against resonant laser-driven adjacent measurements, waste valuable experimental resources such as coherence time or extra qubits and introduce additional errors. We preserve the quantum state of an 'asset' ion qubit with high fidelity, while a neighbouring qubit at a few microns distance is reset/measured. We achieve < 1 x 10-3 probability of accidental measurement of the asset qubit during a neighbouring qubit reset and < 4 x 10-3 while applying a detection beam on the same neighbour, for 11 μs, at a distance of 6 μm or 4 times the addressing Gaussian beam waist (permitted by the numerical aperture).

These low probabilities correspond to the preservation of the quantum state of the qubit with fidelities above 99.90% (state-reset) and 99.6% (state-measurement). Our results are enabled by precise wavefront control of the addressing optical beams, while utilizing a single ion as a quantum sensor of optical aberrations.

Our work demonstrates the feasibility of in-situ state-reset and measurement operations, building towards enhancements in the speed and capabilities of quantum processors such as in simulating measurement-driven quantum phases and realizing quantum error correction.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

A tale of communication, entanglement and graphs

Math/CS Seminar - Featuring Olivier Lalonde Université de Montréal

Quantum communication complexity, which concerns itself with determining how much communication is required by two participants having access to quantum resources to compute a boolean function of their inputs, has long been a lively subfield of quantum information science. The topic of this talk will be the power of shared prior entanglement relative to quantum communication without prior entanglement, which, despite having been studied for more twenty years, remains rather mysterious. After a quick review of the bare bones of classical communication complexity, I will proceed to discuss the model of entanglement-assisted communication complexity. 

En français

The inaugural networking conference brought together over 150 quantum professionals from government, industry and academic sectors to foster collaborations and create connections over two days. Quantum Connections attendees critically examined the challenges we face as a country within the landscape of quantum and had proactive conversations considering Canada’s quantum future.