Master's thesis defence - Camille Lacroix
Development and Electronic Characterization of Graphene-Based Hall Effect Devices
Development and Electronic Characterization of Graphene-Based Hall Effect Devices
Quantum Polynomial Hierarchies
The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is excited to welcome back Luke Schaeffer as Assistant Professor this September, with the Cheriton School of Computer Science as his home department.
Simulating the Anisotropic XY-model on a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
Dynamic nuclear polarization and nanometer-scale magnetic resonance imaging creates unprecedented opportunities to study biological structures.
Efficient Circuit-Based Quantum State Tomography via Sparse Entry Optimization
Quantum sensing of light with sub-wavelength resolution
While truly functional quantum computers are still in development as a future technology, this does not mean that researchers cannot take advantage of quantum properties in the nearer term.
Nonclassicality of Propagating States from 3-Photon Interactions in a Parametric Cavity
Everett was awarded for his creative insights into the application of relativistic quantum information to determine the temperature of black holes.