Linmei Liang: the security loophole in real quantum cryptography system
Linmei Liang, National University of Defense Technology, China
Linmei Liang, National University of Defense Technology, China
Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll, Instituto de Física Fundamental
Igor Radchenko, Russian Academy of Sciences
Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Institute for Quantum Computing
Chris Herdman, The University of Vermont
The Quantum Innovators workshop will bring together the most promising young researchers in quantum physics and engineering for a three-day conference aimed at exploring the frontier of our field.
I will introduce the field of quantum simulations from a wide
scientific perspective. Then, I will discuss the relevance of quantum
simulations for reproducing different aspects of quantum physics:
nonrelativistic and relativistic quantum dynamics, physical and unphysical
quantum operations, as well as strong and ultrastrong light-matter
interactions. Finally, I will give examples in the context of trapped-ion
and circuit QED technologies.
The Institute for Quantum Computing's (IQC) Grad Student Association is screening the 7 Academy Award winning movie Gravity on April 2nd at 7 pm. The event will be followed by a short presentation and Q&A with IQC's associate member, astronaut, and former Canadian Space Agency president Steve MacLean.
Measurements based on the quantum properties of physical system have enabled many tasks which are not possible by any classical means. In this talk, I introduce two quantum receivers that discriminate nonorthogonal optical coherent states unconditionally surpassing the standard quantum limit, with mean photon numbers ranging from single photon level to many photons, thus bridging the gap between quantum information technology and state-of-the art coherent communications.
We derive new Heisenberg-type uncertainty relations for both joint measurability and the error- disturbance tradeoff for arbitrary observables of finite-dimensional systems. The relations are formulated in terms of a directly operational quantity, namely the probability of distinguishing the actual operation of a device from its hypothetical ideal, by any possible testing procedure whatsoever.