WIN members named Royal Society of Canada fellows and members

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Three WIN members have been named fellows of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) and members of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists.

They are among 93 new fellows elected by their peers for outstanding scholarly, scientific, and artistic achievement and 46 new members of the College across Canada announced today.

Waterloo’s new RSC fellows and members are:

Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada

Zhongwei Chen (Chemical Engineering) is an outstanding researcher and global leader in advanced materials for next-generation battery and fuel cell technologies. His work has received over 20,000 citations and has led to the establishment of deep collaborative partnerships and several technology companies in Canada and around the world. Professor Chen is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a 2016 recipient of the NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellowship.

Michel Gingras (Physics and Astronomy) has made internationally acclaimed contributions to the field of condensed matter physics, in particular in the area of magnetic materials subject to strongly competing or frustrated interactions, as well as condensed matter systems subject to frozen random disorder. Using analytical and numerical methods, he has explained a number of long-standing experimental paradoxes, provided an impetus for new experimental studies and motivated the synthesis of new magnetic compounds.

Members of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Juewen Liu (Chemistry) has gained a national and international reputation for his contributions in enzyme mimics, bioanalytical chemistry, and biointerface chemistry. His team discovered many new DNA sequences for detecting heavy metals and water quality monitoring. He has authored many highly cited papers and his leadership in the analytical and nanotechnology communities has been recognized by many awards.