Interview with Anne Leask, Library Associate Musagetes Library: written by Rachel Ross

woman standing beside goose

Hi UWaterloo! My name is Rachel, I’m a third year Health and Psychology student, and I’m a Library Ambassador! This is my third semester working as a Library Ambassador on campus and it is such an awesome position! Since my start as a LA, I have learned so much about the resources offered on campus through the library, I have strengthened many skills like public speaking, and I have also met some of the nicest and most supportive people ever. The libraries are filled with such amazing people that want to help you succeed here at UWaterloo, my biggest piece of advice would be to come into one of our libraries and strike up a conversation with one of our librarians or other library staff members - you will definitely benefit from their wisdom, expertise, and advising. 

One of the people you have the opportunity of meeting within the library community is Anne Leask. Anne is a Library Associate of GIS at the Musagetes Architecture Library which is the UW architecture library located in Cambridge. Anne has a Bachelor’s degree of Environmental Studies in Urban and Regional Planning which is fitting for a career in Geographic Information System mapping. Anne has been in this position for a little over five months, however you may recognize her since she has worked in the library for about a year and has worked for the university for five years in other positions! Her current position keeps her engaged in various aspects of student life within the Musagetes library. Some parts of her job include assisting all library users, specializing in assisting Architecture students use geospatial data and GIS software, as well organizing student engagement activities, and keeping the website and social media accounts updated. 

woman wearing red scarf

Anne’s work benefits more than just Waterloo’s Architecture students. Anyone who uses the Cambridge campus library can use Anne as a helpful and supportive resource. Or, if people want to engage in library activities outside of just in the libraries in Dana Porter and Davis Centre, I definitely encourage students to get out to the Musagetes Architecture Library! For example, in October, Musagetes staff participated in the Harry Potter themed Library Day as a location. The day was full of fun activities and prizes. Most students probably knew about all the locations on the Waterloo main campus that offered activities, but did any of you know that the Wizarding World of Waterloo extended to Cambridge, where Diagon Alley was found in the Architecture library. Diagon Alley and all the activities they had for students was all organized by Anne!  

Are you interested in learning more about GIS and geospatial data? I asked Anne if she had any advice she’d like to share with students and she really recommends that everyone takes a bit of time to explore the world of geospatial data that is available to us! And, she would be more than happy to help students get started!

I hope you all learned more about some of the awesome resources available at the Musagetes Library in Cambridge and about Anne Leask! I know I did! She looks forward to meeting you all when you come in to learn about GIS and geospatial data with her!


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