Posts for the Topic Library ambassadors

Library ambassadors: written by Mary Lynne Bartlett

Hi Everyone! I'm Mary Lynne, the Library Ambassador lead. If you're thinking of applying to be a Library Ambassador for the winter term, and have questions about the job, I've got you covered. Below are the questions I get asked the most about the Library Ambassador program.

Here we go...

Library ambassadors: written by Chelsea Davies-Kneis

Library ambassadors: written by Fatima Sidi Aliyu

Hey everyone!

Library ambassadors: written by Neha Hussaini

Hey guys! My name is Neha Hussaini, and I’m currently in my third year of Kinesiology. Okay, first of all, I can’t believe that I’m halfway done my undergrad? Between my many all-nighters and my terrible life decisions, the past 2 years have flown by.

Library ambassadors: written by Brittney Wong

Library ambassadors: written by Mariam Rizvi

Hello everyone! My name is Mariam and I am a third year Environment and Business student. I am also the Senior Library Ambassador for the current Fall term! I’m super excited to be in this role as it helps me challenge myself in various dynamics such as leadership, verbal communication and event planning skills.

Library ambassadors: written by Maryam Shaker-Azab

Library ambassadors: written by David Phillips

Library ambassadors: written by Azharuddin Mohammed

Library ambassadors: written by Kaitlyn Chorowiec
