Management Engineering student named Heritage Hero
Jordan Grant, a third-year management engineering student was recently named a Heritage Hero by the Heritage Education Funds and featured in the company's Heritage Heroes campaign.
Jordan Grant, a third-year management engineering student was recently named a Heritage Hero by the Heritage Education Funds and featured in the company's Heritage Heroes campaign.
Majid Karimi, who recently defended his PhD in Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo was one of the two runners up of the 2017 Best Student Paper Award of the Decision Analysis Society.
Majid's paper - On the Road to Making Science of “Art”: Risk Bias in Market Scoring Rules - was co-authored with his supervisor, Prof. Stan Dimitrov.
Management Engineering and Management Sciences students have once again won top prizes at the Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) student paper competition. They presented their papers at the 2017 CORS conference, held in Quebec city.
Faisal El Hussein, a fourth-year Management Engineering student, placed second in the Sandford Fleming Technical Speaking Competition and was awarded a $400 prize. Faisal's presentation was on the state of conversational intelligence (commonly known as chatbots), a topic he has experience with through a prior co-op term.
A team of fourth-year Management Engineering students has won one of the prestigious Baylis Medical Capstone Design awards, valued at $5000. The competition is open to capstone teams from all Engineering departments undertaking a project with a biomedical focus.
A recent study by Prof. Bissan Ghaddar found that encouraging carpoolers to ride with people they like could potentially decrease car use by 60 percent.
Forty-nine Management Engineers were conferred their degrees at last Saturday’s convocation. Two students from the 2017 Management Engineering graduating class were also honoured with two of the faculty’s most prestigious awards for undergraduate students.
Anne Dawson was awarded the Alumni Gold Medal, which is given to one graduating student from each faculty. In the case of Engineering, this award is based on both outstanding academic performance and contributions to the faculty.
Research on help-seeking and help-giving conducted by Management Sciences alum Mahdi Roghanizad during his PhD studies was recently featured in the Harvard Business Review.
In a recent study, a team of researchers led by Management Sciences professor Lukasz Golab found that the implementation of smart metres in Ontario has resulted in only a small decrease in energy usage during on-peak and mid-peak hours. The findings were recently published in the Energy Policy journal.
Friday, April 21, brought the 2017 edition of Southwest Ontario Operational Research Day, hosted by the CORS Waterloo Student Chapter, in collaboration with the