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Michael Collins
Department Chair; Professor, PEng (Sabbatical)

Cecile Devaud
Professor, PEng

519-888-4567 x46094
ERC 2026
fax: (519) 885-5862
Link to profile:
Cécile Devaud
Link to personal webpage:
Turbulent Combustion Modeling Lab
Carol Hulls
Associate Chair, Teaching; Continuing Lecturer, PEng

Kaan Inal

519-888-4567 x38114
EC4 1103
fax: (519) 885-5862
Link to profile:
Kaan A. Inal
Link to personal webpage:
Computational Mechanics Research Group
Heather Marshall
Administrative Officer
(519) 888-4567 x49259
E5 3022
Contact for:
Human Resources and Financial Management
Patricia Nieva
Deputy Chair; Professor, PEng

519-888-4567 x47786
E5-3034, E3 4115
fax: (519) 888-4333
Link to profile:
Patricia M. Nieva
Link to personal webpage:
Sensors and Integrated Microsystems Laboratory
William (Bill) Owen
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies; Lecturer, PEng

Derek Wright
Director of Mechatronics, Continuing Lecturer, Graduate Attributes Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering

519-888-4567 x31163
E7 3324
Link to profile:
Derek Wright
Link to personal webpage:
Derek Wright