Musselman and the Trifecta: Engineering Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner
Rick Culham hosted the Annual Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner, Jan 22, 2020.
The awards are for all of Engineering and MME were a very honoured and celebrated group. Of note, Kevin Musselman took home three prestigious awards, Carolyn Hansson received two lectureship awards, Sushanta Mitra won the ICNMM 2019 award for Prominent Research, Pearl Sullivan became a Fellow in the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
Congratulations to all of our MME Award Winners:
New MME Faculty
UW Outstanding Performance Award
External Awards & Honours
Engineering Distinguished Performance Award
External Awards & Honours
External Awards & Honours
Canada Research Chair: Tier 2
- Dongpu Cao
Technical University of Munich August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professorship
AIST Howe Memorial Lecture Award
ASM/TMS Distinguished Lectureship in Materials and Society (link opens to Twitter)
Prominent Researcher Award, ICNMM 2019
Ontario Early Researcher Award
Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
Award of Recognition on Fire Standards of ASTM International
Years of Service:
- 5 Years: Sam Vandekerckhove
Research Excellence, Assistant Professor Category:
Research Excellence, Associate Professor Category: