Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award

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Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award

The University of Waterloo was founded in 1957 after the Canadian government put out a call for engineers who would be prepared for the vast technological demands of a changing society.

With that need in mind and a bold vision for uniquely preparing engineers for the future, Waterloo became a leader in engineering education, building the largest co-op program in the world.

The Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award recognizes a graduating student who fully represents the Faculty’s bold vision. The award will celebrate a student who with determination and passion has worked to make the Waterloo Engineering community a better place and will take that same energy to a career focused on improving the human condition.

The new award was established by Sanjay Malaviya (BASc '93, computer engineering) in honour and remembrance of Pearl Sullivan, former dean of Waterloo Engineering and the first woman to serve in that role.

He recognizes that Sullivan’s leadership helped ensure that Waterloo will continue as a global leader in engineering education. A compassionate and caring dean, Sullivan worked passionately to promote Waterloo Engineering and opportunities for students and faculty.

Malaviya is keen to support promising global leaders who will work to build a better world as Sullivan did.

One $50,000 award will be presented annually to an outstanding undergraduate leader, graduating from any engineering undergraduate program in the Faculty of Engineering. The recipient will be a student with a proven record of leadership through participation in extracurricular and volunteer activities at the University of Waterloo. They will have demonstrated the potential to grow as a leader, will have inspired others to action, and made a difference to their community.

Will you be one of the Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award recipients?

  • Are you graduating from a Waterloo Engineering Undergraduate program in 2025?
  • Have you supported, promoted, and worked to build a vibrant and healthy Waterloo Engineering community?
  • Have you demonstrated the potential to lead change on a global scale?
  • Are you driven to affect positive societal change?
  • Have you always been keen to explore knowledge through a range of activities such as sports, music, theatre, dance, art, or technological and/or entrepreneurial pursuits?

If this sounds like you, we encourage you to complete this form by March 1, 2025 with your plans for the future or pass it on to someone else who fits the criteria.

The award is intended to be a financial catalyst to kick start a lifelong commitment to excellence, leadership and change for the common good.


Community Engagement

  • worked to build a vibrant and healthy Waterloo Engineering Community

Leadership Experience

  • demonstrated the potential to lead change

Extracurricular Interests

  • in a range of activities such as sports, music, theatre, dance, art, or technological and/or entrepreneurial pursuits


  • graduating from an Engineering Undergraduate program in 2025
  • candidates must have a minimum overall cumulative average of 80%.


Interested students should submit an application by March 1, 2025.

All applications will include:

  • a current CV
  • a Statement of Purpose (one page, 500 words maximum).  Your statement of purpose needs to show us what you stand for, how you have made a difference so far, and how you dream of making a difference in the future. What would $50,000 allow you to do? What doors and opportunities would open for you? What would you commit to? 
  • two testimonial letters from individuals in your life (one page maximum for each letter). 

The application form can be found here.

The Emerging Global Leaders Selection Committee will consist of faculty members representing each department within the Faculty of Engineering.  The top 3-5 candidates must participate in an interview with the selection committee (in-person or on-line, as circumstances allow). 

The Committee will select recipients normally each Spring, prior to the Spring Convocation ceremony.


More information about the first Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award recipient and the top finalists can be found here.


More information about the second Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award recipient and the top finalists can be found here.


More information about the third Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award recipient and the top finalists can be found here

2024 Recipient

More information about the 2024 Pearl Sullivan Emerging Global Leaders Award recipient and the top finalists can be found here