WatProcure powered by JAGGAER

The University of Waterloo has recently begun implementing WatProcure, an eProcurement solution powered by JAGGAER, meant to enhance our existing procurement processes. We have called it WatProcure to align with our university’s branding strategies; however, you may see references to WatProcure and/or Jaggaer interchangeably during the next few months while we are onboarding this new system.

What is WatProcure?

Jaggaer is currently used by a large number of Universities in Canada and the US, particularly those with a research focus.  WatProcure (powered by Jaggaer) will be used for requisitioning and invoicing laboratory products, computer equipment, office supplies, MRO, electronics, and other products and services. It will enable users at the University of Waterloo to easily source and purchase products from our preferred suppliers. 

Providing stakeholders with more modern technology and processes, the Jaggaer system offers an environment that more closely aligns with the familiar buying experience of Amazon and other online marketplaces.  Jaggaer is expected to help the University to achieve both real cost savings through consolidation of purchases to preferred, contracted suppliers, as well as more intangible savings through simpler and more condensed process flows per transaction, with fewer manual touchpoints throughout the process.

UWaterloo uses the following modules within WatProcure

Contract + Module

Contract + Module

Current State​

Future State​

  • Phone calls/emails/scrolling the Procurement website to figure out what is the process to buy goods and commodities that are over $10k and who can help with it​

  • All RFX requests are entered into Jaggaer​

  • In Jaggaer a buyer will be assigned and will review completed requests​

  • Uncertainty with which documents to complete and what information is needed to get started on an RFX​

  • After P&CS has reviewed the request, they can then advise on the correct documents based on the responses to triaged questions​

  • Uncertain about the process for the creation, review and execution of contract documents​

  • All contract requests are entered into Jaggaer​

  • Procurement Contracts Specialist will review the request and then advise on the correct documents/process based on the responses to triaged questions​

  • For previous RFX processes, there is no quick access to the previous documents, especially if new persons are in new roles​

  • Jaggaer is a central repository of all documents related to a request​

  • Not sure how to find active and expired contract documents related to our department​

  • Jaggaer is a central repository of contract documents​

  • No linkage between the contract and Unit 4 ​

  • eProcurement in Jaggaer will allow for contracts to be linked to the buying activities​

What's in it for me?

  • I have a reportable date of when I made my request.​

  • I have a place where I can share my information with Procurement.​

  • It is a one stop shop – I can easily find where to put my request in and I can see my previous and ongoing requests. No more sending emails or not knowing who to ask for help.​

  • I know who has been assigned in Procurement to help me with my purchase or Agreement. ​

  • I know where to find my contract documents and any history/documentation associated with that contract.​

  • If I have a catalogue of items, the contract can be linked to the purchase of items.​

Supplier Management

Supplier Management

Under construction 



Under construction 

Invoicing + Digital Capture

Invoicing + Digital Capture

Under construction 

Supplier Enablement

Supplier Enablement

Under construction 

Contracts AI

Contracts AI

Under construction 


Communication Date sent Delivery Method
Moves like Jaggaer: new eProcurement system to be implemented January 17, 2024 Daily Bulletin

Jaggaer eProcurement project update

March 31, 2024 Finance Newsletter (requires WatIAM)
Jaggaer eProcurement project update April 29, 2024 Daily Bulletin

Jaggaer eProcurement name game update…and the winner is…

June 28, 2024 Finance Newsletter (requires WatIAM)

Last update: 02-July-2024