Rev'd Gerald T. Churchill Memorial Entrance Scholarship

Value: 1 scholarship of $1000
Application: None

The Renison Entrance Scholarship recipient with the highest overall admission average above 85% will be designated as The Rev’d Gerald T. Churchill Memorial Entrance Scholarship recipient. This designation is to honour the memory of The Rev’d Gerald T. Churchill, member of Renison's Board of Governors from 1977 to 1987. This award offers an additional $500 to the financial value of the Renison University College Entrance Scholarship.

Note 1

If a student qualifies for a Renison Entrance or Continuing Scholarship, in addition to a bursary or fee remission from Renison, the amount of the scholarship will be adjusted so that the total amount awarded shall not exceed the total tuition for the period in which the scholarship is held. 

Note 2

If a student withdraws or otherwise fails to complete the term(s) covered by an award, the award will be prorated.

Note 3

The Board of Governors of Renison University College reserves the right to make changes without notice in the published value and number of entrance scholarships awarded each year.