CURAC/ARUCC Annual Conference 2024

Thriving in Retirement

Ron Champion at podium in Fed Hall.May 22-24, 2024
Hosted by the University of Waterloo Retirees Association
Waterloo, Ontario

Conference Theme

The University of Waterloo Retirees Association was the proud host of the College and University Retiree Associations of Canada/ Associations de Retraités des Universités et Collèges du Canada (CURAC/ARUCC) annual conference at the University of Waterloo, May 22-24, 2024. The three-day conference attracted 120 participants, many travelling from universities and colleges outside Ontario.

The theme of the 2024 CURAC conference was Thriving in Retirement. The conference program was designed to inform and inspire on topics of importance to older adults, including health and wellness, recreation and leisure, housing options, services for seniors, finance and safety and security. Participants heard from experts from the University of Waterloo, the UW-Schlegel Research Institute on Aging (RIA) and from professionals in the local community. They also had the opportunity for conversation, fun, and meeting new and old friends.

We are thankful for the generous support of our sponsors, especially the University of Waterloo and Schlegel Villages, UW Conference Services and our many volunteers. We hope that participants departed inspired and transformed by what they learned, shared and experienced at the conference. Retirement should be a time to thrive!

Conference Co-chairs: Ron Champion and Jim Frank

Check out this list of video recordings.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 Thriving in Retirement opened with an evening reception hosted by Schlegel Villages, one of the conference’s platinum sponsors. The event was held at Village at University Gates, situated on the north campus of the University of Waterloo. The Village at University Gates is also home to the Research Institute for Aging, another conference sponsor.

Thursday, May 23

The welcoming volunteers at the registration desk.Thursday and Friday events were held at Federation Hall on the University of Waterloo campus. Thursday presented plenaries and breakout sessions morning and afternoon, as well as afternoon lightning tables, and the CURAC Awards banquet in the evening. The schedule allowed plenty of time for the most important activities—meeting, socializing, and networking with friends old and new.

Morning plenary

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Howard Armitage at podium speaking at morning plenary.Designing Your Retirement: Thriving in Life’s Next Chapter

(Video recording available)

Howard M. Armitage, PhD, FCPA, FCMA

Thriving in retirement is more than just passing the time; it's about finding fulfillment, purpose, and a profound sense of well-being during the post-employment phase of life. It involves actively engaging in activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional health, allowing individuals to lead enriching and satisfying lives beyond their careers. Howard Armitage's plenary highlighted the latest research that illuminates the path to a longer, healthier, and more gratifying retirement. His observations established a foundation for this year’s CURAC conference, which explored “thriving” topics of interest to retirees in greater depth, empowering individuals to unlock the full potential of their retirement years.  

Fed Hall venue of 120 attendees at the Conference.

Morning breakout sessions

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Four sessions were offered concurrently, with registrants selecting their session in advance.

Aging Well with Artificial Intelligence: Possibility or Pipe Dream?

(Video recording available)

Jesse Hoey, PhD, Professor, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Jess Hoey presenting session.

Enjoying Retirement with Minimal Back Pain

Stuart McGill, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology and Health Sciences,  University of Waterloo

Dr. Stu McGill presents session about back pain.

Embracing the Challenge: Building Habits for Lifelong Physical Activity

Caryl Russell, MSc, Instructor and Clinical Programs Director, Director – UW Fitness, Program Director - Centre for Community, Clinical and Applied Research Excellence (CCCARE)

Health Enabling Through Walking and Neighbouring

Troy Glover, PhD, Chair – Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Director of the Healthy Communities Research Network, University of Waterloo

Troy Glover session on health enabling through walking.

Guests laughing at Dr. Shonk's presentation about humour.Lunch Plenary

Dr. Ken Shonk

(video recording available)

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Over lunch, participants enjoyed an informative and humorous presentation by Dr. Ken Shonk : Jest For The Health of It: The Science of Laughter in a Mirthful Message with a Chuckles Checkup Included

Dr. Ken Shonk

Citing recent research on laughter and play, including the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and classification of humour, Dr. Shonk revealed how this information can bring more laughter, play, and joy into our lives. His presentation was sprinkled with examples of humour and its applications to improve communication and social interactions. Appropriately, given the audience and the presenter, Dr. Shonk devoted special attention to using humour to cope with the foibles of aging.

Afternoon breakout sessions

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Four sessions were offered concurrently, with registrants selecting their session in advance.

YourCare+: A Self-Referral and Social Prescribing Platform for Navigating Home and Community Care

Sydney Jones, BSc, Project Manager – YourCare+

Sydney Jones from YourCare presenter.

Eating for Vitality: Nutrient-dense Diets to Promote Physical and Cognitive Wellbeing as We Age

(Video recording available)

Heather Keller, PhD, Professor – Department of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Schlegel Research Chair in Nutrition and Aging, University of Waterloo.

.Dr. Heather Keller presenter on Aging with Vitality.

Deceptive Realities: The Growing Threat of Fraud and Scams in the Era of Deep Fake Technology

Mike Payne, BA, Detective Constable – Waterloo Regional Police Service, Chair – Waterloo-Wellington Elder Abuse Prevention Council, Vice-chairperson – Law Enforcement Agencies and Partners Protecting Seniors, Member – Ontario Securities Commission: Seniors Expert Advisory Committe.

Mike Payne presenter on frauds and scams.

Managing Knee/Hip Pain and Arthritis

Ryan Wark, MPT, Clinical Director, SOS Physiotherapy

Ryan Wark from SOS Physio presentation about knee pain.

View of the lightning tables session.Lightning Tables

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Lightning tables offered the opportunity for a quick exchange on a variety of topics, each with a host, e.g. investing and finance, nutrition, travel, tech troubleshooting, pickleball, coping with loss, etc. Participants spent 10-15 minutes at a table and then moved on to sample another interest: just enough time to glean some information and a contact.

Guests at the Banquet.CURAC Awards Banquet

(Video recording available)

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Thursday was capped by the CURAC Awards evening, featuring great food, conversation, and inspiring award winners from across Canada. Sue Fraser, a long-time UWRA Board member and past President, and Dr. Donald Meichenbaum, an internationally renown clinical psychologist and University of Waterloo Distinguished Professor Emeritus, were among those honoured.

Congratulations to Sue, Don and other award winners from across Canada!

Andre presents trubute award to Sue Frasier.

(Video recording available)







Ron and Jim accept the CURAC Association Award for the UWRA. Ron and Jim receive the CURAC Award.

Friday, May 24

Friday morning presented a plenary, followed by roundtable discussions and ended with lunch. Optional tours and excursions were available in the afternoon, plus some options for the weekend.

Morning plenary

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Resilience in Retirement

(Video recording available)

(Handout available here. )

Donald Meichenbaum, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Psychology, University of Waterloo

Resilience is the ability to bounce back following trauma and loss – and the ability to deal with ongoing adversities.  Following trauma, 25% of individuals develop adjustment disorders and psychopathology, while 75% of individuals evidence resilience.  Dr. Meichenbaum’s presentation examined how these two groups differ and what implications there are for psychological adjustment.  A second focus of the presentation was how to manage the transition to retirement and how to bolster resilience in the elderly.

Dr. Meichenbaum joined via Zoom.

Roundtable Discussion

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

(Roundtable discussions summary available here. .)

Roundtable discussions invited participants to share ideas to guide us as individuals and organizations as we work to apply the principles of Thriving in Retirement. Thriving in Retirement, the CURAC 2024 national conference, ended with lunch.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors


Conference participants were offered accommodation at MacKenzie King and Ron Eydt Villages on campus, as well as several hotels near the St Jacob’s Market: Courtyard by Marriott, Hampton Inn & Suites and Homewood Suites. Shuttle service was offered from the off-campus hotels to the University of Waterloo.


CURAC/ARUCC is the College and University Retiree Associations of Canada, Associations de retraités des universités et collèges du Canada, a not-for-profit federation of retiree organizations at colleges and universities across Canada. CURAC’s objectives are

  • to coordinate activities that promote communication among member associations,
  • to share information about activities of member organizations,
  • to provide mutual assistance, and
  • to speak publicly on issues of concern to the over fifteen thousand individual college and university retirees across Canada.

The UWRA is a member of CURAC/ARUCC along with more than 35 retiree associations across Canada

The CURAC/ARUCC Board of Directors and association delegates convened at the conference to conduct CURAC/ARUCC business.

The 2025 CURAC/ARUCC Annual Conference will be held in Montreal, at McGill University, May 21-23.

Conference Videos

The following videos are on YouTube.

View more photos here

  1. 2024 (12)
    1. October (4)
    2. May (1)
    3. April (3)
    4. March (1)
    5. February (2)
    6. January (1)
  2. 2023 (10)
    1. December (2)
    2. November (2)
    3. October (1)
    4. September (2)
    5. July (1)
    6. April (2)
  3. 2022 (6)
  4. 2021 (6)
  5. 2020 (1)