UWSA 101: What it’s like to be a UWSA director or president

what it's like to run the UWSA

This is part three of our “UWSA 101” series, in which we explain how the UWSA works, your rights as a member, and how to participate in our upcoming elections!

In the last post, we talked about the difference between the work of the Board and the work of the presidents and Operations Team. Now we’ll hear directly from current directors and presidents about what it’s like to serve in these roles!

President of the UWSA

UWSA 101: Governance and Operations

Who does what: Governance and Operations

The role of the board vs the work of the Association

This is part three of our “UWSA 101” series, in which we explain how the UWSA works, your rights as a member, and how to participate in our upcoming elections!

UWSA 101: The UWSA By-law

The UWSA by-law

This is part two of our “UWSA 101”series, in which we explain how the UWSA works, your rights as a member, and how to participate in our upcoming elections!

Last week, we covered our Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Waterloo, which gives us official status as your representative (catch up here if you missed it).

UWSA 101: Our Relationship with UW

Our relationship with the university

Welcome to our “UWSA 101” series, in which we explain how the UWSA works, your rights as a member, and how to participate in our upcoming elections!

Let’s start at the beginning: