
Experience is everything

Step into your dream career faster with co-op. Over the course of four co-op terms, you’ll connect your classroom learning with full-time paid work. Apply your theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills to the professional world and graduate with a resume and industry connections you need to launch your future.

Co-op Matching Process

As a student at the University of Waterloo, you have access to our globally ranked experiential education system WaterlooWorks, which helps connects students to employers.

How does it work?

The co-op search begins in the term preceeding your work term; this is when you will have access to WaterlooWorks, a job-matching system facilitated by the Unversity of Waterloo to connect students to our global employer network. In addition to employers looking to hire University of Waterloo students, there is mentorship available through dedicated support staff to help you with the application process.

It starts with applying to positions on WaterlooWorks. After taking part in any interviews for the position, both the student and the employer can "rank" each other, resulting in students finding positions they are excited about and employers finding valuable GBDA students. This is referred to as a "cycle".

Job postings are available in "cycles"; if students are unable to find a position in the first round, they can apply for more positions in the proceeding 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th (continuous) cycles. Some positions will be filled after each cycle, but more are added throughout the matching process as they become available.

Having the internship at LEGO has opened my eyes as to what I like to design for - it was beneficial for me to understand where I could go in the future.

Olivia Dunford, 4th-year GBDA student

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Unlimited Potential

As a GBDA student in coop, you’ll gain highly relevant experience with the latest technologies and business practices - and have countless career opportunities at your fingertips. Coop opportunities include: 

  • Design Intern UX/UI 
  • Social Media Manager 
  • Digital Marketing Specialist 
  • Graphic Design and Animation Associate 
  • Web Developer and Design 
  • Videographer 
  • Marketing Communications Coordinator 
  • Interactive Designer 
  • Business Development Manager

Alternative Options

In addition to the WaterlooWorks co-op matching process, students are also welcome to find positions outside of WaterlooWorks and arrange their own position. Students can also consider alternative co-op options.

Read more on the Co-Operative Education site →

FAQ - Future Students

1. How are GBDA students supported throughout their co-op terms?

  1. GBDA students will be connected to a dedicated Centre for Career Development’s team of career advisors prior to their first work term. They work with GBDA students to search for their first co-op experience. 
  2. Once you have found your first job, you’ll be assigned to a Coop Student Advisor. They will be your main point of contact and are available to answer any questions/concerns you have throughout your co-op term.
  3. GBDA students are also required to take Professional Development courses as part of their degree requirements. These courses help you the build the tools needed to get a job, develop core career skills and succeed in the workplace

2. I have four work terms - can I choose different types of jobs for each term?

Yes, of course! GBDA students are encouraged to apply to a diverse range of jobs. Your co-op terms are a great opportunity to try out jobs you are interested in and to find your passion!

3. Why do GBDA students begin their co-op terms in their third year?

By beginning their co-ops in their 3rd year, GBDA students will have more academic experience and in turn, larger portfolios to use during the hiring process. In short, it gives them a little bit of a competitive edge!

4. Can I work internationally?

Co-op and Study Sequence

1 Fall Study - main campus
  Winter Study - main campus
  Spring Off
2 Fall Study - Stratford School
  Winter Study Stratford School
  Spring Study Stratford School
3 Fall Work
  Winter Study - Stratford School
  Spring Work
4 Fall Study - Abroad
  Winter Work
  Spring Work
5 Fall Study - Stratford School

Fall term: September to December
Winter term: January to April
Spring term: May to August

This information is reflective of the 2024-25 academic year, and subject to change.