
On March 15, the same day more than a million students globally participated in a strike for climate change, a group of university and college students gathered in the GreenHouse space at St. Paul’s University College to help make the change their peers were calling for, participating in the Environment Design Challenge (EDC), sponsored by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

The Social Impact Fund encourages GreenHouse innovators to put their ideas into action.

The Fund is open to current GreenHouse innovators who demonstrate early-stage customer validation or idea testing (i.e. prototype, pilot, market research) and a plan for how they will implement their idea over the coming year.

GreenHouse in partnership with the Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program and the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, hosted Hack4Health 4.0, alongside the MS Society and the Alzheimer Society.  Hack4Health is a hackathon focused on creating positive social impact by improving the quality of life for those living with multiple sclerosis and dementia.  Twelve teams spent two days learning from and engaging with 30 mentor

Big Ideas Challenge Fellows from left to right: Cassie Myers, Rachel Thorburn, Lauren Smith, Pablo Amay

A big thank you to Libro Credit Union who continues to support GreenHouse from its Prosperity Fund. A fund that recognizes initiatives, which focus on regional economic development, money smarts, and youth leadership.

Libro Credit Union awarded $35,000 to St. Paul’s GreenHouse from its Prosperity Fund last Thursday, a program which recognizes initiatives that focus on regional economic development, money smarts, and youth leadership.