Tenure, promotion and reappointment documentation

This page provides a summary of documentation requirements of typical proceedings for tenure, promotion and reappointment within the Faculty of Health. For further details consult Policy 76, Policy 77 or Administrator, Faculty Relations and Appointments.

Candidate statement

The candidate must provide a signed statement (limit to three pages) outlining their major strengths, contributions and accomplishments in the three areas of teaching, research and service. It is important that the candidate include evidence of impact and effectiveness in both research and teaching. As well, the candidate must include the number of full-time years teaching at Waterloo and any other institution(s).

The candidate must collaborate with the chair/director to ensure that the document is complete in all respects before it is submitted to the Department/School Tenure and Promotion Committee (DTPC/STPC).

Evidence of research impact may include:

  • references in citation indices
  • references to the candidate's work by leading researchers in the field
  • publications in leading journals
  • sole authorship
  • invitations to speak at major conferences
  • election to and awards received from professional and disciplinary societies

Similarly, evidence of impact and effectiveness in teaching and service should be provided by drawing attention to areas where the candidate has made particularly innovative contributions to teaching or has achieved significant positive influence on curriculum development. Evidence should be provided for the full spectrum of teaching activities (e.g., undergraduate lectures, graduate seminars, contributions to project and thesis supervision, oral and thesis examinations, clinical supervision and instruction). The candidate should also make note of significant administrative activities that have been undertaken (e.g., membership on government or professional committees, editing a professional society journal).

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Curriculum vitae

Candidates must submit a curriculum vitae in the Faculty of Health format.

Special attention should be paid to the listing of publications, contracts, and research grants. Clearly identify the contribution made by the candidate to multiple authored papers. Committee members are looking for evidence of research leadership and personal contributions in collaborative research programs. This can be included as an explanatory page preceding the references lists in the curriculum vitae or in the candidate statement.

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Teaching summary

Candidates for a second probationary term must submit a teaching summary for the time they have been at the University of Waterloo.

Candidates for tenure and promotion must submit a teaching summary for the past five years.

Please contact your department/school administrator to confirm the information to be included in your teaching summary, such as:

  • whether it is a graduate or undergraduate course
  • approximate class size
  • term(s) taught
  • course outlines (for DTPC/STPC use only)
  • course and instructor evaluation ratings, along with meaningful interpretive information (e.g., comparative ranking within a unit)

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External referees

Candidates for a second probationary term do not need to submit external referees, unless requested by the DTPC/STPC or dean.

Candidates for tenure and promotion must provide the DTPC/STPC with at least three external referees (however, five is recommended); one or two must be international, especially in cases of promotion to full professor. The candidate, in consultation with the DTPC/STPC, must complete the External Referee Information Sheet (available at Provost's Office Forms and Templates) for each external referee.

External referees must meet the following criteria:

  • do not have a close association with the candidate or their department*
  • external to the University of Waterloo
  • hold high academic stature, preferably the rank of full professor
  • expert in the candidate's research area and capable of assessing the candidate's scholarly work

* Close associations include co-authors, friends, former colleagues and collaborators, former thesis supervisor, and adjunct professors in the candidate's department. The chair/director will ensure there are no potential conflicts of interest between the candidate and external referees. If it could be perceived that a close association exists between the candidate and an external referee, an appropriate explanation must be included on the External Referee Information Sheet in the Relationship to the Candidate section. For example, the candidate accepted an invitation to give a research seminar in the external referee's department, but no collaborative relationship exists.

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Peer evaluations

The DTPC/STPC will arrange for at least two peers to evaluate the candidate's teaching activities. The peer evaluators should not be currently serving on the FTPC, definite-term lecturers, continuing lecturers or retired faculty. At the time the evaluation is submitted, the chair/director must obtain the consent of every peer evaluator to disclose the evaluation with the candidate in the rare event of a negative recommendation.

Each peer evaluator will:

  1. meet with the candidate to discuss their
    1. approach to the course
    2. goals and objectives
    3. course outline
    4. any additional materials the candidate has developed
  2. attend one class taught by the candidate; course specified by the chair/director
  3. provide the DTPC/STPC with a signed critical report of the candidate's:
    1. in-class teaching ability
    2. curriculum planning (e.g., course content and course structure, including outlines and assignments)
    3. course evaluations

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