Current graduate students

Welcome to graduate studies in the Faculty of Health

Graduate studies faculty and staff in your home department/school, the Faculty of Health office, and UWaterloo Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) are here to provide you with the support and resources you need to help you succeed.

Faculty of Health specific information:

University of Waterloo Graduate Studies Academic Calendar

The Graduate Studies Academic Calendar is your primary source for program outlines, university-wide policies, procedures, and guidelines. It is maintained by the Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) and covers information such as academic deadlines, regulations about enrolment and grading, thesis submissions and convocation, fees and registrations, and awards and financial assistance.

The Calendar also includes introductions to individual programs including program overviews, admission requirements, options and degree requirements, and links to course descriptions.


Academic, career, and professional development

Centre for Career Development (CCD)

  • Offers career advising to students, alumni, employees and post-docs.
  • See the website for information on workshops, appointments, internal resources and job postings.

Centre for Extended Learning (CEL)

Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE)


  • Provides a hub for professional development resources designed specifically for graduate students at UWaterloo. 

Teaching Fellows

  • This position was established as part of a university-wide effort to raise the profile of teaching and learning, and to support and encourage teaching excellence.
  • To connect with a Faculty of Health Teaching Fellow, please contact Elena Neiterman (SPHS), Zara Rafferty (REC), or Chris Vigna (KHS).

Writing and Communications Centre

  • Offers writing and communication practice, support, and research on campus.

Administrative information

Graduate Studies Academic Calendar

Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA)

  • Responsible for many facets of graduate studies and postdoctoral affairs, including recruitment, admissions, financial bursaries and awards, records, professional development and degree completion.

Graduate Studies website
 Contains information on departmental contacts, awards and funding, forms and campus resources. 

Important dates

  • The Centre website outlines important dates for each academic year, such as the course selection period, course drop/add dates, fee deadlines, Convocation, and University holidays.

Policies and guidelines

  • The Secretariat website provides a list of policies, procedures and guidelines that apply to all members of the UWaterloo community.

Campus services

Health Computing Office


  • Provides for all of the student's textbook needs, more than 30,000 titles of non-required books, engineering, art and optometry supplies, stationery and crested merchandise.  

Campus map

  • Includes information on: UWaterloo buildings, places to eat, accessibility on campus, construction sites, Grand River Transit (GRT), GO Transit and Greyhound bus stops, and parking. 

Child care

Conflict Management & Human Rights Office (CMAHRO)

  • Provides a variety of services for persons dealing with conflict, human rights issues or workplace harassment.

Ethics Committee

Equity Office

Graduate and family housing

  • Available at Columbia Lake Village (CLV), an apartment-style residence community offering single rooms in 2-bedroom and 4-bedroom townhouses. 

Graduate House

  • A private club operated by the GSA, offering a student space with food and bar service. 

Information Systems and Technology (IST)

  • Provides support and training services for instructors and students, management and support of UWaterloo LEARN, and information regarding use of podium computers, laptops, and classroom bookings.


  • Hours and locations can be found on the Library website.
  • The University is linked to the Ontario Inter-University Library System whereby it is possible to obtain a copy of a book or journal that is not available in our library within 48 hours. The inter-library loan (ILL) service reaches across North America.

Registrar’s Office (RO)

  • Provides a variety of services for undergraduate students, faculty, and staff.

Health and wellness

AccessAbility Services

  • Provides support for students with permanent and temporary disabilities. Students can apply online for support.
  • AccessAbility Services will contact instructors directly if accommodations are needed in their course. It is a student's right to request and receive alternative classroom and examination procedures on the basis of a documented disability.
  • Tips for instructing students with disabilities can be found on the AccessAbility Services website.

Health and well-being Counselling Appointments

  • Offers individual appointments, group therapy, peer support, and seminars and workshops for UWaterloo students.
  • Information for faculty and staff who are supporting students can be found on the Campus Wellness website.
  • Appointment times specifically for Faculty of Health students are available at Health Services. Please contact Counselling Services at 519-888-4096 for more information. 

Health and well-being Primary Care Appointments

  • Provides healthcare for all registered UWaterloo students.
  • Information about student medical insurance and the cost of uninsured services can be found on the Health Services website. University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) coverage is compulsory for every student not covered by a Canadian provincial health plan. 

Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) 

  • Offers a range of health and wellness services to UWaterloo employees and their dependent family members, including counselling services (face-to-face), plan smart services (by telephone), and online services.
  • Employees who have the temporary benefits program are not eligible for EFAP services.

Sexual Violence Response Coordinator (SVRC)

  • Provides information and support for students, faculty and staff who have experienced sexual violence.

Regroup Mobile

  • The Regroup Mobile app provides push notifications in case of major campus emergencies.

Student success

Competition to showcase research: 3MT

Remote video URL

Each year, graduate students in the Faculty of Health participate in the global Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. Using just one slide and three minutes - contestants must showcase their research for the wider community. Watch the story of three of our students from each of our Faculty units.