The following policies, guidelines, and handbooks will answer many questions that arise for instructors. If you have a question that isn't addressed in the documents below, contact your Faculty Liaison or Faculty Teaching Fellow.
- Course outline and requirements. Information that you need to include in a course outline, from the Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic.
- Course outline exemplars. Six course outlines developed by Waterloo instructors, each featuring one or more notable components.
- Exam regulations. These regulations are intended to provide transparency to instructors, students, and proctors regarding expectations and conduct for graded course elements.
- Student petitions & grievances. Dealing with requests to be exempted from Waterloo regulations, or with challenges to a faculty member's decision.
- Copyright Guidelines. This guide explains your rights and duties when you want to copy or communicate copyrighted material in the classroom.
- Copyright: Frequently Asked Questions. General information about the Canadian Copyright Act and how it affects your work within the University.
- Turnitin Guidelines for Instructors. Turnitin is a text matching tool that is commonly used to detect plagiarism, but can also be integrated into learning activities as an educational tool.
- Guidelines on use of Waterloo computing and network resources
- Statement on the security of Waterloo computing network and resources
- Online Service Interruptions.
- Guidelines Pertaining to Fees for Third-Party Learning Resources Used for Academic Assessment
- Guidelines Related to Fees for Field Trips
- Task Force Report on Deep Learning [PDF] . A Waterloo report on innovative and effective teaching practices that foster deep learning.
- TA Handbook. A handbook providing guidance and policies for TAs.