Report change in staff/faculty to the AUO

The Arts Undergraduate Office (AUO) acts as a resource for Arts departments and the Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW) in a number of areas, including:

  • Advising
  • Calendar and curriculum
  • International exchange
  • Scheduling

This form only relates to undergraduate roles and the Arts Undergraduate Office. Please inform other units such as the Registrar’s Office, the Dean’s Office, Arts Computing Office, etc. as needed.

This form will be received by several people, and depending on the information given and as appropriate, will:

  • Grant access to systems
  • Grant access to Teams
  • Update mailing lists
  • Update membership lists
  • Update meeting invites
  • Update the AUO website
  • For Quest access please see the information on the Registrar’s Resources website (log in required)

Questions? Please contact or extension 45870.

Please complete the following information. This form will open different questions depending on your responses.
Is this person leaving or starting a new role in Arts?
Enter the date the person will be starting, leaving or changing their role.
If it's a contract or temporary coverage, please add the end date, if known and applicable.
Information about the faculty or staff member
Please enter your WatIAM ID (max. eight characters)
Information about the role they are leaving
Examples: Cognitive Science minor, Classical Studies (all)
Building and room number.
Responsibilities of previous role
Enter the date the person will need access to these systems, for example if training is happening before the effective date.
Information about the role they are starting
Examples: Cognitive Science minor, Classical Studies (all)
Building and room number.
If there is a generic department email address this person will use instead of their personal email, please provide it here.
Responsibilities of new role
Enter the date the person will need access to these systems, for example if training is happening before the effective date.
Please leave blank if the position is currently vacant.
Submitter information
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.