Social media

Arts social media channels

Currently, the Faculty of Arts has a presence on these channels:

Currently, Arts is not on Facebook.

The university colleges, School of Accounting and Finance, and Stratford also have their own accounts, as do many departments. 

We also work with the University's central channels and other units to promote content.

Department social media

Does your department or unit need to be on this or that platform? Social media platforms and user behavior are constantly changing, making it more challenging to be heard if you aren't an advertiser. 

Social media accounts are a little like starting a new fitness regime:

  • You need consistent time and effort to see results. Regularly posting high-quality content is essential, as well as using as much of the functionality of the platforms as you can (video and stories, for instance.) When you only post occasionally or don't get a lot of engagement, algorithms will show your content less and less.   
  • It takes a lot of practice and effort to make it look easy. Just as everyone notices when an athlete misses a catch or falls during a routine, people will notice if your post isn't usable, accessible, or even appropriate for a given channel - and that can undermine the good work you're trying to do. 

    Every platform has its own way of doing things - ideal image and video specifications, accessibility (such as captions and alt text), and inks. Not to mention audiences who are increasingly critical and vocal.
  • It works better with a buddy. Every account should have a permanent employee (staff member or faculty) who can dedicate time to it, plus a back-up. If someone leaves or is away, access to the account can be lost.

If a particular channel isn't working for you, it's okay to step back and reconsider. Very few Arts departments are on all the main platforms, and some aren't using social media at all. 

Talk to us before you start

If you're thinking of starting a new account, aren't sure what to do with your existing accounts or want to de-activate an account, please contact Elizabeth Rogers.

Here are some things to consider:

  • What audiences are you trying to reach?
  • What are your goals and objectives - what does success look like to you?
  • What resources (people, tools etc,) are available? How much time and resources are you willing to put into maintaining your channels and growing them? 
  • What expertise do you have to support the channel? Having a personal account is very different from running social media on behalf of an organization. If you're hiring help, someone needs to have the expertise to be able to mentor and support them.
  • Could you submit content to Arts channels instead? We have a larger audience and reach, and love to share what's happening in our Faculty!

Social media tools and resources

Social media management

Currently, Waterloo uses Emplifi as its social media management and measurement tool. There is no cost to use it. University Relations sets up access and provides training.

Hootsuite also offers free accounts, but there are limitations such the number of posts you can schedule and the number of accounts you can integrate. 

For questions about these tools, please contact Elizabeth Rogers.

Strategy and guidelines

UWaterloo social media strategy and guidelines outlines the University's overall social media strategy, what works best for each platform, how to make your social media content accessible, and how to deal with online abuse. 

Branding and visual assets


Share your successes

If you're using social media as a department or as an individual, don't be shy about sharing successes through social media. Share your work and amplify the work of others too.

Tag Arts on social media

Mentions or tags make it easier for us to spot and share content. Tag @UWaterlooArts in your social media posts relevant to research, teaching, learning so that we can amplify your expertise, media mentions, photos, etc. You can also tag relevant departments in Arts and the University (@UWaterloo). 

Address issues privately

Social media managers aren't involved in building maintenance or University policy. If you have a concern and don't know who to contact, feel free to send a private/direct message to the Faculty or University social accounts. We will do our best to redirect the issue to the right area.

Follow best practices for accessibility and usability

Audiences come to our channels with a variety of needs and preferences, so following best practices can make sure everyone can engage with your content.

For instance, a text-heavy image may be too small to read on a phone and can't be read by someone using a screen reader or screen magnifier. (See the Resources section for information on social media accessibility.)

Or, including a "see link in bio" is unnecessary on platforms where you can add the link to the post. Having to go to the bio is extra steps that people likely won't take. Likewise with links included in images on social media posts - people are more likely to interact if they can simply click and go right to the page rather than having to open up another window or app to manually type in a URL.