Arts Staff Advisory Council overview

The Dean of Arts Staff Advisory Council (ASAC) was established in Fall 2012, following a recommendation by the Faculty of Arts Strategic Planning Taskforce.  


The Dean of Arts Staff Advisory Council (ASAC) fosters and enhances communication between the staff and the Dean of Arts. It serves as a resource for inquiries and requests; to advise and make recommendations on existing and proposed University policies and procedures; and to ensure inclusion of staff on Faculty of Arts committees. ASAC monthly meetings provide a forum for representing and discussing any staff member’s ideas and suggestions. ASAC members also form various subcommittees dedicated to professional and social enhancement activities and events for staff in Arts.

Council membership:

All regular, on-going staff are eligible to serve on the Council. The Council strives to have representation from across Arts units, but any interested staff member may put their name forward to join ASAC. Should the Council need to limit the number of members, or if there is over-representation of a certain unit, a nomination and election process will be followed to determine membership.

Ex‐officio members:

  • Dean
  • Executive Officer


  • Chair - normally the Vice-chair from previous year
  • Vice Chair - back-up to Chair and will normally be the succeeding Chair as agreed by ASAC members
  • Secretary – may be a shared role

Terms of office:

Representatives hold two year terms with half of the terms ending each year. Terms start January 1 and end December 31. Individual staff members will normally only be allowed to sit for two consecutive two-year terms.

Read and download the full ASAC terms of reference, updated October 2016 (PDF).