Academic prizes and awards calendar

Major academic prizes and awards



Award amount


January John Charles Polanyi Prizes - Ontario Council on Graduate Studies $20,000 For recent PhD grads/new faculty in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology/Medicine, Literature or Economics.
March Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists -- For outstanding scholars, scientists, and artists who are within 15 years of receiving their PhD or equivalent.

SSHRC Gold Medal

$100,000 Part of SSHRC's new suite of "impact awards."  University nomination, but internal expressions of interest invited.
April SSHRC Insight Award $50,000 Part of SSHRC's new suite of "impact awards." University nomination, but internal expressions of interest invited.
April SSHRC Connection Award $50,000 Part of SSHRC's new suite of "impact awards." University nomination, but internal expressions of interest invited.
April SSHRC Partnership Award $50,000 Part of SSHRC's new suite of "impact awards." University nomination, but internal expressions of interest invited.
May Killam Research Fellowship Course/admin release for 2 years By researcher application
June  Killam Prize - Canada Council for the Arts $100,000 By nomination (by expert in field).
September Trudeau Foundation Mentorships $20,000 for 18 months (plus $15,000 travel funds) University nomination only.
October The Holberg International Memorial Prize $700,500 USD  
November Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs Program up to 1 yr residency (plus $25,000) By researcher application.
November Trudeau Foundation Fellowship $150,000 over 3 yrs (plus $25,000/yr research funds) By nomination only.
December Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada a special pin! By nomination only (by expert in field).
December  Molson Prize - Canada Council for the Arts $50,000 for 1 yr By nomination only (by expert in field).

Additional opportunities

A comprehensive list of major national and international academic prizes in the humanities, social sciences and fine/performing arts can be found on the Office of Research's Prestigious Awards page. 

For information about nomination processes, procedures and support in Arts, contact Selena Santi.