Request research funding from Arts

This form has been designed to streamline the Arts Research Fund request process and promote transparency in funding allocations. It is not a lengthy form, but it should be completed in full.

  • All SSHRC matching requests must be submitted six weeks prior to the agency deadline for consideration.
  • All other submissions will be reviewed and adjudicated four times annually: March 15, May 15, September 15, and November 15

Funding decisions are made by the Dean of Arts in consultation with the Associate Dean, Research (ADR). The ADR will notify applicants with a funding decision within 2 weeks of the deadline.

Please note that matching funds for Tri-Agency grants are only provided if the grant is successful. Any re-applications or new applications will require the completion of a new form, and funding is at the discretion of the Faculty.

Common request ranges

Funding requests will be considered on a competitive basis, and funds will be awarded in accordance with the review criteria indicated below and as available Arts Research funds permit. Requests eligible for funding from other sources (e.g., the UW/SSHRC Explore and Exchange Grants) will be expected to go there first.

As a guideline, here are some common ranges for different types of funding requests:

Type of request Arts contribution range Funds to be used for

Matching funds for large research grant (e.g., SSHRC PG, PDG)

Negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Associate Dean of Arts - Research.

project manager, student support, travel, etc.

Matching funds for SSHRC Connection Grant 

Up to 25% of SSHRC request (max $10,000) 

speaker travel and honoraria, space, refreshments, etc.

Publication subvention


publication costs, first time book manuscripts only, new faculty will be given priority.

Other research needs   
(not connected with a grant application and not available through internal or external grant programs)


speaker travel and honoraria, event refreshments, research travel, etc. Note: Arts no longer provides supplementary travel funding for recipients of UW/SSHRC Exchange (conference travel) Grants.

Review criteria

Requests for Faculty of Arts funding will be considered in light of the following criteria:

  • Faculty member status at UW - In general, priority for Arts funding will be given to tenure-stream faculty members in the Faculty of Arts, UW. Requests from non-tenure stream researchers, with consideration of terms of appointment, and from faculty members at federated institutions, where program structures and proposal details make this feasible, will also be considered.
  • Role played by faculty member - In general, requests by individuals playing a significant role in the project (e.g., principal investigator) will be given priority over requests submitted by those playing a less central role (e.g., co-investigator or collaborator).
  • Training opportunities - Where relevant, priority will be given to proposals that offer training opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts. Requests for projects that involve students from the federated institutions, in circumstances where program structures and proposal details make this feasible, or involve other university students, with Arts researchers involved and credited, will also be considered.
  • Research and knowledge mobilization activities (other than training) - Where relevant, events and projects taking place at or near Waterloo campuses and facilities (e.g., conferences, workshops, specialized equipment and labs, performances) will be given priority. Events and projects that will be hosted off-site, but which will demonstrably advance the research interests and profile of Waterloo researchers, will also be considered.
  • Organization, implementation and partners - Arts funding decisions will also take into account the following, particularly for larger projects: levels/kinds of support from partner institutions; track record of the applicant with respect to grant management and feasibility; and evidence of due diligence regarding proposed research activities, ethics approvals, training/supervisory activities, space commitments, etc.
  • Indication of faculty member having sought funding from other sources -  It is expected, where feasible,  that researchers will first seek funding from external grant programs (SSHRC, NSERC, etc.), internal grant programs (UW/SSHRC Explore and Exchange Grants, HSS Endowment Fund Grant, etc.), other project sponsors, and/or their FPER before approaching the Faculty of Arts for funding assistance. 
  • Potential to generate new funds for the Faculty - Requests for Arts funding that will be leveraged in a way that will generate overhead or indirect funding for the Faculty (e.g., from tri-council grants) will be viewed favourably.   

For questions about submitting your request, please contact Selena Santi.

For technical support with this form, please contact Elizabeth Rogers.

Request research funding from Arts form:

  1. Application details
  2. Preview
  3. Complete
Identify the UW home department you are affiliated with.
(519) 888-4567 ext.
What is your faculty position at UW?
Purpose of request:
Please choose one of the following.