Undergraduate administrative roles

Here you will find some helpful resources and guidelines for undergraduate program assistants, coordinators and advisors. Each department may have its own specific procedures for the tasks listed below which may differ slightly from what is provided on this page. Please consult with your supervisor, undergraduate chair, or chair when performing a new task.  

Are you or someone you know starting a new role, leaving a role or changing roles? Please complete our change in faculty/staff form.

Student advising

Primary point of contact - Arts Undergraduate Office (AUO)

First, check the Arts course override page to make sure your information is correct.

Consult the AUO people group on the Faculty of Arts website for a list of contacts.

  • Most questions related to student advising can be sent to the corresponding Arts academic advisors.
  • Most questions related to undergraduate programs and faculty policies can be sent to Kayla Lorenz, Manager, Academic Advising.

Student support resources

Course overrides

When submitting course overrides by email to rorec1@uwaterloo.ca, please include the following information:

  • student name and ID
  • class number, subject, catalog number, and section 
  • override (e.g., class full, requisites, etc.)

University policies

Some of the most referenced university policies include:

  • Student Petitions and Grievances - #70
    • Primary contact in the AUO : Emily Hudson, Curriculum Manager and Academic Integrity Co-ordinator
  • Student Discipline - #71
    • Primary contact in the AUO : Emily Hudson, Curriculum Manager and Academic Integrity Co-ordinator
  • Student Appeals - #72
    • Primary contact in the Dean of Arts Office: Shelby Davies, Faculty Services Manager

Useful links

Curricular matters

Primary contact - Emily Hudson

Administrative staff who deal with curricular matters are known as staff curriculum/calendar representatives. New hires receive a welcome email with a summary of their responsibilities and all necessary links and required access. Calendar representatives also receive reminder emails throughout the year of upcoming deadlines.

Arts Undergraduate Affairs Group

The Arts Undergraduate Affairs Group (UGAG) is a standing committee of Arts Faculty Council (AFC). Its work involves discussion of all undergraduate matters including examinations and promotions, curriculum, program development, and undergraduate advising. UGAG receives submissions on these matters from the academic departments of the Faculty, from the UGAG standing subcommittees, and from officers and individual members of the Faculty. Following deliberation by the membership on these submissions, UGAG makes recommendations for transmission to the legislative body of the Faculty, Arts Faculty Council.

Approval process

All curricular items (changes, creations, inactivations) must be submitted to UGAG for approval. The Curricular Handbook outlines the procedures and any exceptions.

Training materials, including the Curricular Handbook, can be found on the UGAG & Currriculum (Arts) MS Team . Emily Hudson, the curriculum manager, organizes a training session with new hires to review the material.

Learn more