- Dang, O., M. Feng and M.R. H (2017) “Efficient Nested Simulation for Conditional Tail Expectation of Variable Annuities”
- Liu, Y. and Li, J.S.-H. (2017). A Strategy for Hedging Risks Associated with Period and Cohort Effects Using q-Forwards. To appear in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
- Li, H. and Li, J.S.-H. (2017). Optimizing the Sample Period for Stochastic Mortality Models in the Presence of Varying Paces and Age-Patterns of Mortality Decline, Demography, 54(3), 1073-1095.
- Zhang, S. and Li, J.S.-H. (2017). Longevity Risk-Sharing Annuities: Partial Indexation in Mortality Experience. Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 11:1-30.
- Boyle, P. , J.S.-H Li, and Y. Mei (2017) “Improving Risk Sharing and Borrower Incentives in Mortgage Design”, working paper
- Tan, K.S., P. Wei, W. Wei and S. Zhuang. (2017) "Optimal dynamic reinsurance policies under Mean-CVaR - a generalized Denneberg's absolute deviation principle"
- Cui, H., K.S. Tan, F. Yang and C. Zhou (2017) "Asymptotic Analysis of Portfolio Diversification."
- Liu, K., and K.S. Tan (2017) "Real-time Valuation of Large Variable Annuity Portfolios: A Green Mesh Approach."
- Boonen, T., K.S. Tan and S. Zhuang. (2017) "Competition for optimal reinsurance contracts with multiple reinsurers."
- Guo, D., Phelim B., Weng, C., Wirjanto, T.S. (2017). When Does The 1/N Rule Work? Available on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3111531
- Guo, D., Phelim B., Weng, C., Wirjanto, T.S. (2017). Eigen Portfolio Selection: A Robust Approach to Sharpe Ratio Maximization. Available on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3070416
- Guo, D., Weng, C., Wirjanto, T.S. (2017). Improved global minimum variance portfolio via tail eigenvalues amplification. Available on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2959808
- Shen, Z., Weng, C. (2017). Pricing bounds and bang-bang analysis of the Polaris variable annuities. Available on SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3056794
- Shen, Z., Liu, Y., Weng, C. (2017). "Nonparametric Inference for VaR, CTE and Expectile with high-order precision."
- Zhang, J., Tan, K.S., Weng, C. (2017). "Optimal index insurance design."
- Lin, H., Saunders, D., Weng, C. (2017). "Portfolio optimization with performance ratios," submitted
- Xue, X., Wei, P., Weng, C. (2017). "Derivatives trading for insurers."
- Hardy, M., Saunders, D., and Zhu, X. (2017), "Valuation of a Bermudan DB Underpin Hybrid Pension Benefit," to appear in Scandinavian Actuarial Journal.
- Saunders, D., Tsui, L.K., and Iyengar, S. "Lower Tail Independence of Hitting Times of Two-Dimensional Diffusions", to appear in Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
- Bhaduri, R., Djerroud, B., Meng, F., Saunders, D., Seco, L., and Shakourifar, M. "Fixed-Income Returns from Hedge Funds with Negative Fee Structures: Valuation and Risk Analysis", to appear in Innovations in Insurance, Risk, and Asset Management
- Meng, F., Saunders, D., and Seco, L. (2017) "The Myth of Hedge Fund Fee Diversification."
- Wirjanto, T. S. and A. Zhu, (2017). Implied Volatility Surfaces During the Period of Global Financial Crisis. To appear in International Journal of Financial Engineering.
- Chen, L., A. W. Kolkiewicz and T. S. Wirjanto (2017). The Scaling Property of GARCH Models and Its Use for Capturing Volatility Dependence at Different Time Scales.
- Chan, P. L.(Danny) Chan and T. S. Wirjanto (2017). Pricing Asian Options with Matching by Moments.
- Ng, W. M. and T. S. Wirjanto (2017). Bias in the Estimate of a Mean-Reversion Parameter for a Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process.
- Qiutong Wang and Tony S. Wirjanto (2017). Social Networks, Asset Allocation, and Portfolio Diversification.
- Y. H. (Michael) Cheng and T. S. Wirjanto (2017). Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives with Gram-Charlier Expansions.
- Sun, M, F. Tao and T. S. Wirjanto (2017). Discrete-time Portfolio Optimization with Transaction Costs for CRRA Investors..
- Sun, H., Weng, C., Zhang, Y. (2017).”Optimal multivariate quota-share reinsurance: A nonparametric mean-CVaR framework," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 72:197-214.
- Kim, J.H.T. and Li, J.S.H. (2016). Risk-Neutral Valuation of the Non-Recourse Protection in Reverse Mortgages: A Case Study for South Korea. Emerging Markets Review, conditionally accepted.
- Zhu, W., K.S. Tan and C. Wang “Modeling Multi-country Longevity Risk with Mortality Dependence: A Leevy Subordinated Hierarchical Archimedean Copulas (LSHAC) Approach," to appear in Journal of Risk and Insurance.
- Zhang, J., Tan, K.S., Weng, C. (2016). "Optimal hedging with basis risk under mean-variance criterion," working paper
- Wu, H., Weng, C., Zeng, Y. "Time-consistent consumption and portfolio decisions with stochastic discount rate and varying utility functions," working paper
- Diao, L.,Weng, C. (2016). "Regression tree credibility model," working paper
- Chi, Y., X.S. Lin, and K.S. Tan (2016) “Optimal Reinsurance Under the Risk-Adjusted Value of an Insurer's Liability and an Economic Reinsurance Premium Principle", working paper
- Hardy, M., Saunders, D., and Zhang, S. (2016) “Updating Wilkie's Economic Scenario Generator for U.S. Applications," working paper.
- Men, Z., D. Mcleish, A.W. Kolkiewicz, and T.S. Wirjanto (2016) “Comparison of asymmetric stochastic volatility models under different correlation structures" Journal Of Applied Statistics Published online: 05 Jul 2016.
- Men, Z., T.S. Wirjanto and A.W. Kolkiewicz, and (2016) “Sampling-based Inference of Time Deformation Models with Heavy Tail Distributions”, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 45: 3128–3148.
- Liu, Y. and Li, J.S.H. (2016). “Its all in the Hidden States: A Hedging Method with an Explicit Measure of Population Basis Risk." Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 70:301-319
- Memartoluie, A., Saunders, D., and Wirjanto, T. (2016) “Wrong-Way Risk Bounds in Counterparty Credit Risk Management", updated working paper
- Hofert, M., Memartoluie, A., Saunders, D., and Wirjanto, T. (2016) “Improved Algorithms for Computing Worst Value-at-Risk: Numerical Challenges and the Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm", working paper
- Zhou, K.Q. and Li, J.S.H. (2016). “Dynamic Longevity Hedging in the Presence of Population Basis Risk: A Feasibility Analysis from Technical and Economic Perspectives." Journal of Risk and Insurance. DOI:10.1111/jori.12158
- Boonen, T., K.S. Tan and S. Zhuang. (2016) “The role of a representative reinsurer in optimal reinsurance", Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 70:196{204.
- Boyle Phelim P., Shui Feng, David Melkuev, Shuai Yang and Johnew Zhang (2016). “Short Positions and Principal Component Portfolios”, working paper
- Zhao, H.,Weng, C., Shen, Y., Zeng, Y., (2016). "Time-consistent investment-reinsurance strategies towards joint interests of the insurer and the reinsurer under CEV models." Science China Mathematics. Doi:10.1007/s11425-015-0542-7
- Zhuang, S.C., T.J. Boonen, K.S. Tan and Z.Q. Xu. (2016) “Optimal insurance in the presence of reinsurance," Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, DOI: 10.1080/03461238.2016.1184710. Published online on 26 May 2016.
- Tan, C.I., Li, J, Li, J.S.H. and Balasooriya, U. (2016) “Stochastic Modelling of the Hybrid Survival Curve." Journal of Population Research 33(4):307-331
- Chen, X., and Saunders, D., and Chadam, J., 2015, “Analysis of an Optimal Stopping Problem Arising in Hedge Fund Investing", working paper.
- Wirjanto, T.S., A.W. Kolkiewicz, and Z. Men (2016) “Bayesian Analysis of a Threshold Stochastic Volatility Model" Journal of Forecasting, 35:462-476.
- Zhu, W., C.Wang, and K.S. Tan. (2016) “Levy Subordinated Hierarchical Archimedean Copula: Theory and Application," Journal of Banking and Finance. 69:20-36.
- Wang Z. and J.S.H. Li (2016) “A DCC-GARCH multi-population mortality model and its applications to pricing catastrophic mortality bonds”, Finance Research Letters 16:103-111.
- Bernard, Carole, Phelim P. Boyle and Jit Seng Chen (2016). "Power Options in Executive Compensation," Journal of Derivatives, 23(3), 9-20.
- Liu, Y. and Li, J.S.H. (2016). “The Locally-Linear Cairns-Blake-Dowd Model: A Note on Delta-Nuga Hedging of Longevity Risk." to appear in ASTIN Bulletin.
- Zhuang, S., Weng, C., Tan, K.S., Assa, H., (2016) “Marginal indemnification function formulation for optimal reinsurance." Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 67:65-76.
- Zhu, X., Hardy, M., and Saunders, D., 2016, "Liability Driven Dynamic Hedging Strategies for Cash Balance Pension Plans", working paper
- Lin, H., Saunders, D., and Weng, C. (2016) “Optimal Investment Strategy for Participating Insurance Contracts", working paper
- Zhu, X., Hardy, M., and Saunders, D. (2016) “Liability Driven Dynamic Hedging Strategies for Cash Balance Pension Plans", working paper
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D. (2016) “Regress under Stress: A Simple Least-Squares Method for Integrating Economic Scenarios with Risk Simulations", Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions, 9(4), 121.
- Djerroud, B., Saunders, D., Seco, L., and Shakourifar, M. (2016) “Pricing Shared-Loss Hedge Fund Fee Structures", 19 pages, forthcoming in Challenges in Derivatives Markets, edited by L. Seco and R. Zagst.
- Chen, X., and Saunders, D., and Chadam, J. (2016) “Analysis of an Optimal Stopping Problem Arising in Hedge Fund Investing", working paper
- MacKay, A., Boyle, P., Hardy, M., and Saunders, D. (2016) “Variable Payout Annuities: How Optimal are Optimal Solutions?", working paper
Li, J.S.H., A.C.Y. Ng, W.S. Chan (2015) “Managing financial risk in Chinese stock markets: Option pricing and modeling under a multivariate threshold autoregression, International Review of Economics and Finance, 40:217-230
Chan, W.S., Li, J.S.H., Zhou, K.Q. and Zhou, R. (2015). “Towards a Large and Liquid Longevity Market: A Graphical Population Basis Risk Metric.”Geneva Paper of Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice.doi:10.1057/gpp.2015.9
T. J. Boonen, K. S. Tan, S. C. Zhuang, "Price of Reinsurance Bargaining with Monetary Utility Functions (PDF)", working paper.
C. Weng, S. Zhuang, "CDF Formulation for Solving an Optimal Reinsurance Problem (PDF)", working paper.
S. C. Zhuang, C. Weng, K. S. Tan, H. Assa, "Marginal Indemnification Formulation for Optimal Reinsurance (PDF)", working paper.
H. Suny, C. Weng, Y. Zhang, "Optimal Multivariate Quota-share Reinsurance: A Nonparametric Mean-CVaR Framework (PDF)", working paper
X. Chen, Y. Chi, K. S. Tan, "The design of an optimal retrospective rating plan (PDF)", working paper
T. J. Boonen, K. S. Tan, S. C. Zhuang, "Optimal Reinsurance with One Insurer and Multiple Reinsurers (PDF)", working paper.
C. Bernard, C. Czado, “Conditional Quantiles and Tail Dependence (PDF)” 2015, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 138C, 104-126.
C. Bernard, M. Denuit, S. Vanduffel, “Value-at-Risk aggregation with partial dependence information.” 2015, working paper.
C. Bernard and M. Kwak "Semi-static Hedging of Variable Annuities (PDF)," working paper.
C. Bernard, L. Ruschendorf, S. Vanduffel, J. Yao "How robust is the VaR of credit risk portfolios? (PDF)" 2015, working paper.
C. Bernard, L. Ruschendorf, S. Vanduffel, R. Wang “Risk bounds for factor models.” working paper under submission.
C. Bernard, S. Vanduffel, “A new Approach to Assessing Model Risk in High Dimensions (PDF),” 2015, Journal of Banking and Finance, 58, 166-178.
C. Bernard, S. Vanduffel “Quantiles of a mixture with applications to model risk assessment (PDF)”, under submission.
A. Mackay, A. Augustiniak, C. Bernard, M. Hardy, “Risk Management of Policyholder Behavior in Equity-Linked Life Insurance (PDF),” 2015, Journal of Risk and Insurance, forthcoming
K.S. Tan, D. Blake, R. MacMinn, Longevity Risk and Capital Markets: The 2013-14 Update,
to appear in Insurance: Mathematics & Economics.
- Bernard, C., Denuit, M., and Vanduffel, S. "Measuring portfolio risk under partial dependence information (PDF)"
- Bernard, C., Ruschendorf, L., and Vanduffel, S. "Value-at-risk bounds with variance constraints (PDF)"
- Bernard, C. and Vanduffel, S. "A new approach to assessing model risk in high dimensions (PDF)"
- Han, D., C. Weng, and K.S. Tan "Vine Copula models with GLM and sparsity (PDF)," revised and resubmitted.
- Bernard, C., J. Chen, S. Vanduffel, "Rationalizing investors' choice (PDF)," under review.
- Bernard, C., Moraux, F., Ruschendorf, L., and Vanduffel, S. "Optimal payoffs under state-dependent preferences (PDF)"
- Bernard, C., C. Czado, "Conditional quantiles and tail dependence (PDF)," under review.
- Bernard, C., L. Ruschendorf, S. Vanduffel, J. Yao "How robust is the value-at-risk of credit risk portfolios? (PDF)", under review.
- Bernard, C. and Kwak, M. "Semi-static hedging of variable annuities (PDF)"
- Mackay, A., A. Augustiniak, C. Bernard, M. Hardy, "Risk management of policyholder behavior in equity-linked life insurance (PDF)," under review.
- Bernard, C., M. Kwak, "Dynamic preferences corresponding to popular investment strategies in pension funds (PDF)," to appear in Scandinavian Actuarial Journal.
- Memartoluie, A., Saunders, D., and Wirjanto, T., "Wrong-Way Risk Bounds in Counterparty Credit Risk Management (PDF)," under review.
- Men, Z., Wirjanto, T., and Kolkiewicz, A. "Multiscale stochastic volatility model with heavy tails and leverage effects (PDF)"
- Zhang, M., Kolkiewicz, A., Wirjanto, T., and Li, X. "The impacts of financial crisis on sovereign credit risk analysis in Asia and Europe (PDF)"
- Bernard, C., M.R. Hardy, A. MacKay, (2014) "State-dependent fees for variable annuity guarantees (PDF)," ASTIN Bulletin, 44(3), 559-585.
- Xu, D. and T.S. Wirjanto "On the computation of large portfolio’s VaRs under multivariate GARCH volatility (PDF)," under review.
- Bernard, C., A. MacKay, M. Muehlbeyer, (2014) "Optimal surrender policy for variable annuity guarantees (PDF)," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 55, 116-128.
- Bernard, C., A. Mackay, "Reducing surrender incentives through fee structure in variable annuities (PDF)," book chapter, Forthcoming chapter in "Innovations in Quantitative Risk Management" edited by K. Glau, M. Scherer and R. Zagst.
- Cai, J. and C. Weng. "Optimal reinsurance with expectile (PDF)," under review.
- Weng, C (2014) "Discrete-time CPPI under transaction cost and regime switching (PDF)," under review.
- Boyle, P. (2014) "Positive weights on the efficient frontier (PDF)," under review.
- Bernard, C., X. Jiang and R. Wang (2014) "Risk aggregation with dependence uncertainty (PDF)", Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 54:93-108.
- Li, J.S.H., R. Zhou, and M.R. Hardy (2013). "A step-by-step guide to building two population stochastic mortality models (PDF)", under review.
- Bernard, C., A. MacKay and M. Muehlbeyer (2013) "Optimal surrender policy for variable annuity guarantees (PDF)", under review.
- Bernard, C., L. Ruschendorf, and S. Vandorf (2013) "Value-at-risk bounds with variance constraints (PDF)," under review.
- Bernard, C. and M. Kwak (post doc at University of Waterloo), "Dynamic preferences for popular investment strategies in pension funds (PDF)", working paper.
- Bernard, C., M. Hardy, A. MacKay, "State-dependent fees for variable annuity guarantees (PDF)", working paper.
- Cong, J. and K.S. Tan (2013). "Optimal VaR-based risk management with reinsurance (PDF)," under review.
- Chan, W.S., Li, J.S.H. and Li, J. (2013). "The CBD mortality indexes: modeling and applications (PDF)". North American Actuarial Journal, under review.
- Zhou, R., Wang, Y., Kaufhold, K., Li, J.S.H. and Tan, K.S. (2013) "Modeling mortality of multiple populations with vector error correction models: applications to solvency II (PDF)". North American Actuarial Journal, under review.
- Zhou, R., J.S.H. Li and K.S. Tan (2013) "Modeling trades in the life market as Nash bargaining problems: methodology and insights (PDF)", under review.
- Hardy, X., Saunders, D., and Zhu, X., 2013, "Market consistent valuation of cash balance liabilities (PDF)", 25 pages.
- Chengguo Weng, Hanhui Xie, 2013. "Discrete-time constant proportion portfolio insurance under proportional trading cost", working papers.
- Lin, Y., K.S. Tan, R. Tian and J. Yu (2013) "Downside risk management of a defined benefit plan considering longevity basis risk (PDF)", working paper.
- Tan, K.S. and C. Weng. (2013) "Empirical-based approach to optimal reinsurance (PDF)", working paper.
- Chi, Y. and K.S. Tan. (2013) "Optimal reinsurance with general premium principles (PDF)", working paper.
- Bernard, C., N. McGuillivray, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, (2013) "Bounds on capital requirements for bivariate risk with given marginals and partial information on the dependence (PDF)", Dependence Modelling, 1, 37-53.
- Redekop, J. and T. S. Wirjanto (2013). "Exploring a two-state Markov-Switching model for option pricing", working paper.
- Xu, D. and T. S. Wirjanto (2013). "Risk measures under stochastic volatility model with mixture-of-normal error distributions," working paper.
- Cheng, Y-H. and T. S. Wirjanto (2013). "Pricing financial derivatives by Gram-Charlier expansions", working paper.
- Choi, Y, and T. S. Wirjanto (2013) "A simple model of the nominal term structure of interest rates", working paper.
- Huang, W., C. Weng, and Y. Zhang (2013). "Multivariate risk models under heavy-tailed risks (PDF)", Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, in press.
- Zhang, Min (July), Adam W. Kolkiewicz, Tony S. Wirjanto and Xindan Li (2013). "The impacts of financial crisis on sovereign credit risk in Asia and Europe", working paper.
- Memartoluie, A., D. Saunders and T. S. Wirjanto (2013). "Worst-case copulas, mass transportation and wrong-way risk in counterparty credit risk management (PDF)", working paper.
- Tao, F. and T. S. Wirjanto (2013). "Discrete-time portfolio optimization with transaction costs", working paper.
- Jianfa Cong, Ken Seng Tan, Chengguo Weng (2013). "CVaR-based optimal partial hedging (PDF)", The Journal of Risk, to appear.
- Lysa Porth, Ken Seng Tan, Chengguo Weng (2013). "Optimal reinsurance analysis from a crop insurer's perspective (PDF)", Agricultural Finance Review, to appear.
- Cong, J. K.S. Tan and C. Weng. "VaR-based optimal partial hedging (PDF)", to appear in Astin Bulletin.
- C. Bernard, E. Brechmann, C. Czado (Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany) "Statistical assessments of systemic risk measures (PDF)", 2013, Chapter in the handbook on systemic risk edited by J.P. Fouque and J. Langsam.
- C. Bernard, S. Vanduffel (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) "Mean-variance optimal portfolios in the presence of a benchmark with applications to fraud detection (PDF)", to appear in European Journal of Operational Research, 2013.
- Zhou, R., J.S.H. Li and K.S. Tan "Pricing mortality risk: A two-population model with transitory jump effects (PDF)," to appear in Journal of Risk and Insurance.
- Zhou, R., J.S.H. Li and K.S. Tan "Economic pricing of mortality-linked securities: a Tâtonnement approach (PDF)", to appear in Journal of Risk and Insurance.
- Chengguo Weng (2013). "Constant proportion portfolio insurance under regime switching exponential Levy process (PDF)", to appear in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
- Ng, A.C.Y. and Li, J.S.H. (2013) "Pricing and hedging variable annuity guarantees with multi-asset stochastic investment models (PDF)." North American Actuarial Journal, 17, 41-62.
- Yichun Chi, Chengguo Weng (2013). "Optimal reinsurance subject to Vajda condition (PDF)", Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 53 (1), 179-189.
- Saunders, D., Seco, L., Vogt, C., and Zagst, R. (2013). "A Fund of Hedge Funds under Regime Switching", Journal of Alternative Investments, 15(4), 8–23.