MBET Ready


We are excited to have you join the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program! Here are some resources to get you ready for September 2024.

Grad Ready 

Grad Ready is a University-wide resource which is run by grad students, for grad students, through the Student Success Office.

This programming is all about helping you transition to being a graduate student at the University of Waterloo. Connect with other graduate students, prepare for academics and feel ready for life at Waterloo. 

More information and upcoming events can be found on the Grad Ready page. 

MBET Ready 

MBET Ready is a Conrad School resource designed to address unique components of our program and enhance the Grad Ready resource. 

This page will act as an ongoing resource for you to refer to as you prepare for the program. 

staircase in engineering 7 building

Get Ready Checklist

 As you prepare to begin this September, there are a few items we ask you to complete:

  1. Accept your offer
  2. Join your cohort's LinkedIn Group
  3. Complete the Incoming MBET Student Information Form

Join the MBET Class of 2025 (Full-time)

Join the MBET Class of 2027 (Part-time)

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Get Ready for MBET

Get ready for MBET

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Important information!

Rental scams are on the rise. Find out how to avoid being a victim.

There are two types of fraud rental scams:

1. Fraudulent properties for rent

Scammers fraudulently advertise rentals in a preferred location. They may request the renters to answer a questionnaire asking for their personal information and banking information (potentially providing the fraudster with the ability to use the information for identify fraud). Once the offer is accepted, the renter then sends money to the scammer with first and/or last month’s rent. The victim arrives at the designated time to receive their keys and finds the address does not exist or that they have been misled.

Signs to look for:

  • Is the deal too good to be true?
  • Is the ad posted on the internet? Have you done your due diligence to verify the property exists? Have you completed open-source searches to ensure it is not a duplicate post?
  • Is there an urgency or pressure to get the deal done quickly?
  • Are they dodging questions? 
  • Are you asked to transfer money through the internet or wire money out of the country?

Prevention tips:

  • Go to the address. Schedule a viewing and confirm its availability. If you can't go yourself, ask a friend on your behalf.
  • Review your contract thoroughly. Do not be in a hurry or pressured.
  • Do your homework and know what a reasonable rental amount is. 
  • Complete open-source searches to verify that there are no duplicate posts and that the property exists.
  • Go with your gut instincts! 

2. Fraudulent renters

Fraudulent renters are scammers who claim to want to rent the apartment but actually do not intend to live there. They send a fraudulent form of overpayment and ask you to send the additional funds back to them.

Prevention tips:

  • Check the facts and verify personal information.
  • If the person lives out of the country and wants to rent do not provide your banking information. Have the money E-transferred to you to an email address specifically designated for such transactions and do not link to your personal email.
  • Never return funds that are “overpayment”.  Suggest applying the amount to their next month’s rent.

If you encounter any of the above, we recommend you pursue other housing options. If you have been a victim of a rental scam contact the ad publisher, file a complaint with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center, and contact your local police service to make a report.

There are several supports available to you on campus and beyond – including the following:

Victims of rental scams often feel a range of emotions from anger to betrayal. If you’ve been the victim of a rental scam Counselling Services or EmpowerMe Student Care can help you process these complex emotions. 

Please look-out for one another.  If you have been a victim of housing fraud, please know we are here for you.  Please reach-out to your department student advisor or Wellness contact. They can guide you to the appropriate resources. 

International Student Resources

  • International student guide 
    • Get more information on applying for key documents, banking and finance, tips on getting ready to depart for school, and more! 

  • Immigration consulting 
    • Waterloo’s student success office offers an experienced team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) who are licensed with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC).  

    • All consultations are free and confidential.

Upcoming Events

MBET Class of 2024 - 2025 Townhall

Date and time to be determined 

Meet your MBET Program Director, faculty members, and MBET alumni to have a conversation about your upcoming year and to ask any questions that you may have.

MBET Admin Session

Date and time to be determined 

Meet Conrad School’s support team and get instructions on how to enrol into courses for the year, class schedule, facility use, and so much more!