Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday, September 3, 2021

Brandon Sweet
University Communications

Nancy Reeves named Interim Director of Equity

Nancy Reeves.

“The Office of Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion is pleased to share that Nancy Reeves has accepted the Interim Director of Equity position," says a note from Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion (HREI). "Nancy brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience as a college professor, Registered Social Worker, Clinical Therapist, scholar and human rights advocate."

Reeves has a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) in Gerontological Social Work and Disability Studies and a Masters of Social Work (MSW) in Social Service Administration, Policy Analysis, and Program evaluation from the University of Manitoba. She is presently completing her Ph.D. at Memorial University in Social Work Education with a research focus on the trauma of war and its implication for social work education and practice.

She has taught numerous courses in Social Work at the diploma, bachelor and master's levels, and some lecturing in Ph.D. classes on specific topics. In addition, she has conducted extensive research, teaching and training in the areas of diversity, culture sensitivity, anti-oppressive practise, anti- and post-colonial theories, decolonization, Indigenous ways of knowing, social and restorative justice, the intersectionality of oppression, trauma and trauma of war, and human rights relating to race and race relations in Canada and the global front.

"Nancy joined us as of Monday, August 30," says the note from HREI. "Folks that are interested in meeting with Nancy should reach out to her directly at"

10 ways Waterloo is providing a safe return to campus

A Plant Operations custodian cleans a balcony railing.

By Victoria Lumax.

As a staged return to campus approaches, the University of Waterloo has implemented measures to keep faculty, staff, students and visitors safe. 

Under the guidance of provincial and local public health guidelines, Waterloo continues to follow instructions provided by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities. In these efforts, Waterloo’s Safety Office has worked closely with campus partners to develop strategies for a safe re-opening. 

“Throughout the pandemic, we have put the health and safety of our employees and students first and continue to strive to meet regulatory requirements and strongly promote adherence to public health advice,” Kate Windsor says, Waterloo’s director of safety. “Relying on our internal responsibility system for health and safety, where everyone plays a part in keeping each other safe, continues to be a great strength of our campus community. We will need to continue to be diligent and adaptable to changing conditions as we gradually resume more on-campus activities.”  

Waterloo’s top ten safety measures include: 

1. Mandatory proof of vaccination and attestation 

Anyone coming to our campuses and locations must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 prior to their arrival. Please note that accommodations are available for medical or human rights grounds. This is line with the Council of Medical Officers of Health recommendations for all post-secondary institutions. 

Additionally, our campus will also continue Waterloo’s “Campus Check-in” process for Waterloo’s reporting and monitoring tool purposes. 

2. Vaccinations and testing  

Waterloo is proud to be supporting vaccine roll-out efforts, offering vaccines at Health Services. Health Services also offers COVID-19 testing options. For information on availability and eligibility, visit the respective COVID-19 Vaccine Centre and COVID-19 Testing Assessment Centre webpages. The University will release information on how those at Waterloo Satellite campuses can access vaccination and testing in the coming weeks. Those in the campus community may submit a COVID-19 Assessment Registration Form for support from Health Services if they test positive for COVID-19, experience symptoms or think they may need to quarantine or get tested. 

Vaccines are required for those living in one of Waterloo’s on-campus residences, as recommended by Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services. Waterloo is also developing a framework to assess other high-risk activities that will require mandatory proof of vaccination, and will share information on this plan in the coming weeks. 

3. Building ventilation 

COVID-19 can spread through extended airborne exposure and for the past year, Waterloo’s Plant Operations team has been inspecting, improving and conducting ongoing assessment of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units on campus to accommodate building occupancy and new guidelines for health and safety. Learn more about Waterloo’s upgraded ventilation and filtration systems across campus.  

4. Enhanced cleaning 

Plant Operations has increased the cleaning frequency of many space types across campus, ensuring that working and learning environments are sanitary and safe. As well, University departments can purchase COVID-19 products and supplies through Plant Operations

5. Different forms of learning 

To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and increase flexibility for students, the University is offering three different kinds of learning formats: in-person, online and blended. Online and in-person academic support will be available through the Student Success Office, the Writing and Communication Centre and the Libraries

6. Face coverings 

It is Waterloo’s requirement that in all common-use, indoor spaces — workplaces, classrooms, University buildings and student residences — non-medical masks must be worn, as supported by public health guidelines. This pertains to employees, students, visitors and contractors. Mask wearing in employee-only areas will be based on physical set up, number of employees present and work duties. These measures aim to reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission. 
If a medical condition or disability requires an exemption, students and employees can submit a Face Covering Exemption Request Form to Accessibility Services or Occupational Health respectively to develop an accommodation plan. 

7. Rapid Screening 

Since June 21, 2021, Waterloo has been operating a COVID-19 rapid screening site in the Student Life Centre (SLC) on campus. This voluntary testing is a great resource for asymptomatic individuals who come to campus regularly and have regular contact with other employees and can help break the chain of transmission on our campus by preventing individuals from unknowingly spreading COVID-19.  

Campus Check-in will help funnel those in the Waterloo community who do not report being vaccinated to this service.  

Waterloo is taking a multi-faceted approach to safety by offering rapid screening along with testing and vaccination

8. Monitoring wastewater 

Waterloo in piloting a wastewater surveillance program in some of its residences based on sampling feasibility. Researchers within our Department of Biology will test wastewater three times a week as an extra measure of monitoring COVID-19 on campus. 

9. Departmental and Research COVID-19 Safety Plans 

Waterloo is providing department and research groups with an overarching safety plan template which offers a guideline for departments and lab to conduct their operations in line with the latest safety protocols from Public Health. 

As part of this plan, the University has implemented COVID-19 signage around campus to communicate important information such as instruction on hand hygiene, COVID-19 symptoms, cough and sneeze etiquette.  

10. Contact tracing 

The University has a strong relationship with local public health authorities, working closely with them to conduct contact tracing as required upon discovery of an active case. As well, managers and supervisors will be expected to and be responsible for knowing who is in the office and when, so that COVID-19 transmission can be tracked.  

The private data collected through Campus Check-In will aid the University in contact tracing. 

Dr. Vivek Goel, president and vice-chancellor, is grateful to the Waterloo community for their hard work in promoting collective well-being and upholding a culture of excellence. 

“As we prepare to return to campus, the University is working hard to ensure the safety of our faculty, staff and students remains our top priority,” says Goel. “Thank you to our departments and divisions across our campuses who have been working together and following public health guidelines to make this return a reality. We couldn't have done it without your support." 

Ongoing COVID-19 updates can be found on Waterloo’s COVID-19 Information website

New name, new look for campus police

University of Waterloo Special Constable Services members with a vehicle.

The University of Waterloo Police Service has recently gone through several changes, notably a name change to the University of Waterloo Special Constable Service.

In addition to the name change, they have transitioned away from the traditional dark blue/black shirts to a high visibility uniform shirt.

Markings on their cruisers, building and all upper, outer body uniform attire clearly identify their staff as “Special Constable”.

"These folks have been here throughout the pandemic, 24/7 ensuring the safety and security of our community, campuses and assets and they want to welcome back all our community members, new and not so new," says Alan Binns, special constable service director.

The telephone contact information for the University of Waterloo Special Constable Service remains unchanged at 519-888-4911 or extension 22222, and they invite you to visit their website for additional information.

Fall in for the Dissertation Boot Camp

Dissertation boot camp logo.

Calling all Master’s and PhD students. Applications for the Writing and Communication Centre’s Dissertation Boot Camp are open. Build sustainable writing practice over the reading week that will help you with your dissertation or thesis.

Stop stalling. Start writing. Apply today.

What's open and closed on the long weekend

The dog days of summer are howling, and here we are on the cusp of the Labour Day long weekend. Monday, September 6 is Labour Day, a statutory holiday that means operational changes at the University, which is another way of saying that some things will be open, and some things will be closed.

Athletics facilities will be closed from Saturday September 4 to Monday, September 6 and will reopen on Tuesday, September 7.

On the Print + Retail Solutions front, W Store | Course Materials + Supplies and W Store | Gifts + Apparel will be open on Sunday, September 5 from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. but will be closed on Labour Day Monday. They will have extended fall term opening hours from Tuesday, September 7 until September 30. For a full list of locations and updated hours, please visit W Store’s Locations + Hours page. You can also shop online 24/7 at with options for delivery or free curbside pickup.

Library locations will also be closed on Labour Day Monday. The Library's Chat with Us and Email Us services will not be available Monday, September 6. Full details on current services and hours are available on the Service Update webpage

Many Food Services locations have reopened as of September 1 to serve campus during orientation and move-in. However, a number of operations will be closed on Monday, September 6, including Brubaker's in the Student Life Centre, Starbucks in the Science Teaching Complex, Tim Hortons in the Davis Centre, Student Life Centre, and South Campus Hall, and Ev3rgreen Café in Environment 3. REVelation in Ron Eydt Village will be open on Monday, September 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. You can check out Food Services' locations and hours page for more information.

The Student Life Centre is back to a 24/7/365 operating schedule, including the Turnkey Desk, after nearly 500 days of reduced operating hours. The Student Life Centre is open throughout the residence move-in period and on Labour Day.

As always, there are a few essential University services and stalwart operations that never shut down:

  • UW Special Constable Service, reachable at 519-888-4911 or extension 22222
  • The Plant Operations maintenance emergencies hotline at extension 33793.

Have a great long weekend everyone. The Daily Bulletin will return on Tuesday, September 7.

Beyond the Bulletin Episode 101

Beyond the Bulletin logo featuring two vintage microphones.

The latest episode of the Beyond the Bulletin podcast is now live. With myths about COVID-19 still making the rounds after more than 18 months, Professor Zahid Butt, from the Faculty of Health, weighs in on some of them. At-home rapid antigen tests are available for employees and students. We tell you what’s open and closed this Labour Day long weekend. And parking enforcement begins September 8.

Link of the day

Merchant Navy Remembrance Day

When and Where to get support

Students can visit the Student Success Office online for supports including academic development, international student resources, leadership development, exchange and study abroad, and opportunities to get involved.

Instructors can visit the Keep Learning website to get support on adapting their teaching and learning plans for an online environment.

Course templates are available within your course in LEARN to help you build and edit your content and assignment pages quickly.

The following workshops, webinars, and events are offered by the KL team (CTE, CEL, ITMS, LIB):

Employees can access resources to help them work remotely, including managing University records and privacy of personal information. Here are some tips for staying healthy while working from home.

Stay informed about COVID cases on campus by consulting the COVID case tracker.

The Writing and Communication Centre has virtual services and programs to help undergradsgrad students, postdocs and faculty members with academic writing.

Co-op students can get help finding a job and find supports to successfully work remotely, develop new skills, access wellness and career information, and contact a co-op or career advisor.

The Centre for Career Action assists undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, staff, faculty, and alumni through navigating career services that are right for them. You can attend a one-on-one appointment or same day drop-in session at the CCA for assistance with cover letter writing, career planning and much more. You can also book an appointment online or visit our Live Chat to connect with our Client Support Team. The CCA is here to help you.

If you feel overwhelmed or anxious and need to talk to somebody, please contact the University’s Campus Wellness services, either Health Services or  Counselling Services. You can also contact the University's Centre for Mental Health Research and TreatmentGood2Talk is a post-secondary student helpline available to all students.

The Library continues to offer virtual access to learning and research materials as well as through their book pickup and delivery services. Special Collections & Archives can also be accessed by appointmentDavis Centre study space will not be available between August 17 and September 6 as the Library prepares for the fall term. During this time, Library resources and supports will continue to be accessible virtually and staff available for questions via chat Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. The Library will be closed on September 6 for Labour Day. Full details on current services and hours are available on our Service Update webpage. Library staff are available for questions via Ask Us

The Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo (FAUW) continues to advocate for its members. Check out the FAUW blog for more information.

The University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA) continues to advocate for its members. Check out the UWSA blog for more information.

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) supports all members of the University of Waterloo campus community who have experienced, or been impacted, by sexual violence. This includes all students, staff, faculty and visitors on the main campus, the satellite campuses, and at the affiliated and federated Waterloo Institutes and Colleges. For support, email: or visit the SVPRO website.

The Indigenous Initiatives Office is a central hub that provides guidance, support, and resources to all Indigenous and non-Indigenous campus community members and oversees the university Indigenization strategy.

The Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre, based at St. Paul’s University College, provides support and resources for Indigenous students, and educational outreach programs for the broader community, including lectures, and events.

WUSA supports for students:

Peer support  - MATES, Glow Centre, RAISE, Women’s Centre - Visit to book an appointment

Bike Centre – Open via Appointments and Rentals

Campus Response Team, ICSN, Off Campus Community and Co-op Connection all available online. Check for more details.

Food Support Service food hampers are currently available from the Turnkey Desk on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Student Life Centre. If you have any questions please email us at

Centre for Academic Policy Support - CAPS is here to assist Waterloo undergraduates throughout their experience in navigating academic policy in the instances of filing petitions, grievances and appeals. Please contact them at caps@wusa.caMore information is available.

WUSA Commissioners who can help in a variety of areas that students may be experiencing during this time:

WUSA Student Legal Protection Program- Seeking legal counsel can be intimidating, especially if it’s your first time facing a legal issue. The legal assistance helpline provides quick access to legal advice in any area of law, including criminal. Just call 1-833-202-4571

Empower Me is a confidential mental health and wellness service that connects students with qualified counsellors 24/7. They can be reached at 1-833-628-5589.

When and Where (but mostly when)

Healthy Warriors at Home(Online Fitness)

Warriors vs. Laurier Blood Donation Battle. Join your fellow Warriors, donate blood and help us win the Blood Battle against Laurier for a second year in a row. Set up a profile or add the PFL code: UNIV960995 to your account if you have a account already. Questions? Contact

Drop-in to Warrior Virtual Study Halls on Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Come together in this virtual space to set goals and work independently or in groups each week.

Renison English Language Institute continues to offer virtual events and workshops to help students practice their English language skills.

Fall Orientation, Monday, August 30 to Friday, September 3.

Labour Day holiday, most University operations closed, Monday, September 6.

Fall co-operative work term begins, Tuesday, September 7.

Classes and lectures begin, Wednesday, September 8.