Note regarding plan requirements

We have recently changed the mapping of our curriculum to make it easier for students to understand the reasons behind their course requirements. These changes come into effect in Fall 2014, and you can see them on the new 2014-2015 Undergraduate Calendar that was made public in mid-February.

Please note that students are only expected to follow the plan requirements in effect at the time they declared their major. Some students have expressed concern about the changes in the new 2014-2015 calendar, but be reassured that you can keep following the calendar you were following up to now. The full list of each year’s calendars can be found by clicking “List of Calendars” at the top left of the Undergraduate Calendar main page. Students have the option of completing a plan modification form to switch to the 2014-2015 calendar if they wish to, if they are still students in the 2014-2015 year. Please see the Associate Chair Undergraduate (Jay Dolmage) or the Undergraduate Co-ordinator (HH 251) if you have any questions about this.