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Here you will find events of interest to undergraduate English students.

Master of Public Service Open House

Guest Lecture - The Strange Afterlives of Jimi Hendrix, October 18

Location: Vanstone Lecture Hall, St. Jerome’s University.

Reception: 4:30 PM (food provided)

Time: 5:00-6:30 PM

Titled “’What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be dead!’: The Strange Afterlives of Jimi Hendrix,” Dr. Lloyd examines how Jimi Hendrix’s premature death in 1970 seemed to foreclose an era he had done much to define. Yet at the very moment he fell silent, Hendrix’s music and image catalysed a myriad of artworks that fed off his energy and inventiveness. Pop, jazz, and classical musicians, visual artists, writers, and fashionistas homaged, pastiched, translated, plagiarised, covered, adapted, or cowered before his creations. In this talk I will look at responses to Hendrix’s work and image ranging from the brilliant to the bizarre, from sampling by hip hop artists to Hendrix’s appearances in literary works and fashion collections. I will argue that it is a mistake to frame Hendrix as an icon of ‘classic rock’ and that analysis of his influence on other artists restores one of the strangest and most dangerous musicians of the twentieth century to us as a provocative figure in the age of AI and VR.

Dr. Christian Lloyd is Reader in popular Music at Bader College, Queen’s University. He was researcher on the project to reconstruct Jimi Hendrix’s London flat and is the author of Hendrix at Home: a Bluesman in Mayfair.

Registration and information is available at

British Graduate Shakespeare Conference (BritGrad)

The British Graduate Shakespeare Conference (BritGrad), will be held from June 13th-15th this summer. We are a student-led conference, with a focus upon Shakespeare and the Early Modern period. While our submission deadline to present at the conference is now closed, we are accepting registration to audit some or all of the conference (either in-person or via Zoom).  Undergraduate students, as well as postgraduate students and researchers, are welcome to attend the conference as an auditor. 

We strongly encourage undergraduate students hoping to pursue postgraduate studies in the early modern field (or a similar one) to attend, as the conference gives attendees a glimpse into what postgraduate life is like and the direction research in the field is going in. To view our conference schedule and find out more about what BritGrad has to offer, please visit our website

In-person auditing: The conference takes place at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon. For those wishing to attend one or all of the days in-person, please express your interest to our Registrars at as well as purchasing a ticket to attend via our eventbrite page. In-person tickets will be granted on a first come, first-served basis. For this reason we recommend getting in touch with our registrars prior to purchasing a ticket, this way you can ensure there are still in-person spaces.

Online auditing: If you would like to purchase an online ticket, please do so via our eventbrite page using this link

If you have any further questions, please refer to the FAQ section on our website or send us an email at