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Here are some of the faculty members who teach courses for the English-RMPC degree. Click on the faculty member's name to view his or her full profile.
English Language and Literature degrees at the University of Waterloo integrate the study of rhetoric, professional communication, media studies, and literature, so all faculty in the department participate to some degree in the RMPC program. For information on all of our faculty members, see our Faculty profiles page.
Aparajita Bhandari

Aparajita Bhandari's research sits at the nexus of critical internet studies, feminist media studies, and cultural theory engaging in critical examinations of social media platforms with a focus on understanding instantiations of everyday or mundane online experiences as potential sites of resistance against hegemonic power. Her areas of interest include Critical Algorithm/critical data studies, Feminist media studies, Social media studies, Cultural theory, Community engaged and participatory research, Media and materiality .
Frankie Condon

Jay Dolmage

Clive Forrester

Randy Harris

Michael MacDonald

Andrew McMurry

Ashley Rose Mehlenbacher

Ashley Mehlenbacher's work examines how science communication is changing with new—especially networked—technologies and also with different communities becoming involved in scientific research and policy-making. Her research is especially concerned with public participation in scientific research (citizen science), expertise and ethos in grassroots scientific research, expertise and expert networks, and biohacking and hacker participation in scientific research.
Aimée Morrison

Aimée Morrison's work focuses on popular reception and remediation of computer technologies, as well as on design for digital media. She teaches courses in literature, digital humanities, history and theory of media, and multimedia practice. Her research examines social media as a set of complex and consequential rhetorical, literary, and social practices undertaken by ordinary people across the full spectrum of daily life. Her project “Deciphering Digital Life Writing” explores how people decide what to say about themselves online, and what motivates these decisions.
Marcel O'Gorman

Neil Randall

Brianna I. Wiens

Brianna I. Wiens examines how people use media in critical and creative ways to foster community and speak back to power, and explores how we build community through digital technology while negotiating its complex power dimensions. Dr. Wiens works at the intersections of digital culture, rhetoric, and feminist media studies. Across these fields, she leverages queer and intersectional feminist perspectives to examine the rhetorics, politics, and design of technologies and digital artifacts, and asks questions about power at individual, community, and structural levels.