TA Experience Survey

Course Information
Or general assignment to faculty member
Coordinator Information
Name of course coordinator.
From 1-10, how would you rate the overall experience of being a TA in your course (or courses if you had a general TA assignment)?*
What factors most affect your rating?
What things were most enjoyable or rewarding about being a TA in this course (or, for a general TA assignment, these courses)?
What things were most challenging about being a TA in this course (or, for a general TA assignment, these courses)?
How difficult was it to manage the workload associated with being a TA in the course? How did it compare to other courses you have been a TA for, or to other offerings of the course you’ve been a TA for? For a general TA assignment, comment on the workload in your term as a whole.
What supports (orientation, meetings, instructor, peers, course manual, textbook, online course materials, teaching portal, and so forth) were most helpful in allowing you to fulfill your role as a TA in this course? In what ways were they helpful? For a general TA assignment, consider your term as a whole.
What else could be done to better help grad students fulfill their role as TAs in the course? If you had a general TA assignment, what could be done to better help grad students to fulfill a similar general assignment?
What suggestions do you have for improving the course for the students who take it? If you had a general TA assignment, consider all the courses in which you assisted.
Please include any other comments you think would help to improve the course experience for TAs or the students who take the course. If you had a general TA assignment, consider all the courses in which you worked and your overall TA experience. If you wish, you can also make more general suggestions related to being a TA in the department.