Join renowned Professor Julian Agyeman for a conversation on challenges and opportunities facing PhD students from different backgrounds, including thesis work, publishing, job applications, career trajectories and other topics relevant to PhD students in the Faculty of Environment.
Dr. Agyeman will begin the session with a reflection on his own PhD studies and career trajectory, followed by ample time for questions and open discussions. This session is open to all current PhD students and post-doctoral students in the Faculty of Environment.
About Professor Julian Agyeman
Julian Agyeman, Ph.D. FRSA FRGS, is a Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. He is the originator of the increasingly influential concept of just sustainabilities, the intentional integration of social justice and environmental sustainability. He holds degrees in Geography and Botany, Conservation Policy and Urban Studies. He identifies himself as a critical urban planning and environmental social science scholar. Dr. Agyeman holds the 2020 TD Walter Bean Professorship in Environment at the University of Waterloo.