Remembering Larry Lamb, educator, ecologist, botanist
It is with great sadness that we share the news of Larry Lamb’s passing. Larry spent 40 years working in the Faculty of Environment as both an adjunct lecturer and head of the ecology lab.
It is with great sadness that we share the news of Larry Lamb’s passing. Larry spent 40 years working in the Faculty of Environment as both an adjunct lecturer and head of the ecology lab.
Albert Jiang, postdoctoral fellow in the School of Environment Enterprise and Development and Department of Systems Design Engineering, has won the prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship to support his research helping small island states adapt to climate change.
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jeffrey Wilson will step in as director of the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED). Join us in welcoming him and thanking the former director, Dr. Neil Craik, for his service.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities announced a new online database to help municipalities address gaps in critical climate planning and reporting data. This new tool was made possible thanks to the Municipal Net-Zero Action Research Partnership and Waterloo Climate Institute, led by researchers and staff in or affiliated with the Faculty of Environment.
Navya Vikraman Nair, a PhD candidate in the School of Environment, Enterprise, and Development, has been selected as a recipient for the 2023 International Doctoral Research Awards. Congratulations Navya!
Prioritizing the Environment in Urban Sustainability Planning: Policies and Practices of Canadian Cities is a timely contribution to the ongoing debate regarding the ways and means to become a sustainable city. The book is co-authored by Dr. Natasha Tang Kai, a PhD graduate from the School of Planning, and Dr. Larry Swatuk, Professor in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development.
It was a winter break to remember for two University of Waterloo students. Emily Meissner and Millie Balmer are completing a placement in Kampala, Uganda, as part of the United College and Faculty of Environment run International Development (INDEV) program that sees students complete an eight-month overseas placement, facilitated by the World University Service of Canada.
Congratulations to Kwaku Owusu Twum for successfully pitching his business idea at the Velocity Pitch Competition. He and his partner won $5,000 in funding to accelerate bridging the digital divide small-scale farmers experience.
Anshikha Kumar, graduate student in the Master of Development Practice (MDP) program, attended the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) UN Climate Week 2023 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She reflects on her experience as a youth delegate and what she learned.
Nguénar Yacine Cissé, graduate student in the Master of Development Practice (MDP) program, attended the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) UN Climate Week 2023 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She reflects on her experience as a youth delegate and what she learned.