Grades, academic standings and foundation term

students looking at a computer screen together


The University of Waterloo uses a numerical grading system (0-100%). In certain circumstances a student may be assigned a grade other than a numerical grade. A complete list of possible grades with definitions can be viewed in the Undergraduate Calendar section, Grades.

Academic decisions in the Faculty of Environment are normally based on your cumulative Major and Overall averages. Your academic record will normally show two sets of average calculations:

  • Major Average (MAV)
  • Overall Average (OAV) 
  • In special instances a third average may also be shown - Special Average (SAV)

Plan average requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar under your plan section.

Academic standing

Your cumulative overall and major averages are used to determine your academic standing.

Honours program
Standing Cumulative major average Cumulative overall average
Excellent >80 >80
Good or Satisfactory




Failed - required to withdraw

<70 two terms in a row

<65 two terms in a row
General 3-year program
Standing Cumulative major average Cumulative overall average
Excellent >80 >80
Good or Satisfactory >65 >60
Conditional <65 <60
Failed - required to withdraw <65 two terms in a row <60 two terms in a row

Conditional and failed academic standings

Normally students are allowed only one term in conditional standing in the Faculty of Environment. Failure to raise their plan averages during their next academic term will normally result in a Failed – Required to Withdraw standing. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to determine the average required to meet plan averages, to discuss resources, and other options available to them.

Conditional standing - must raise Plan average(s)

Normally a student receives this academic standing when they have not met their academic plan cumulative overall and/or major average(s) but are within a range that it may be possible to raise their averages during their next academic term.

Conditional- at risk of being required to withdraw

Normally a student receives this academic standing when they have not met their academic plan cumulative overall and/or major average(s) and are at a point in which raising their averages will be either difficult or not possible during their next academic term.

Conditional standing progressions after 1A Fall term

Possible academic pathways for a 1A student receiving a conditional standing after Fall term:

1A Fall term

Winter term

Off – Spring term

Fall term

Winter term


Good standing

Off / study term


2B or Co-op




Foundation Term – Good standing

Continue studies


Failed Required to Withdraw


Foundation Term – Good standing

Continue studies


Failed Required to Withdraw


Foundation Term - Failed standing with 60% or greater in UNIV 101

May qualify to transfer academic plan


Failed Required to Withdraw


Foundation term – Failed standing with less than 60% in UNIV 101

May not continue in studies at the University of Waterloo


Failed Required to Withdraw



Apply for readmission to academic plan to continue studies

Failed standing progressions after 1A Fall term 

Possible academic pathways for a 1A student receiving a failed standing after Fall term:

1A Fall term

Winter term

Off – Spring term

Fall term

Winter term

Failed Required to Withdraw Non-degree term / Off Off Foundation Term – Good standing Continue studies
Failed Required to Withdraw Non-degree term / Off Off Foundation Term - Failed standing with 60% or greater in UNIV 101 May qualify to transfer academic plan
Failed Required to Withdraw Non-degree term / Off Off Foundation term – Failed standing with less than 60% in UNIV 101 May not continue in studies at the University of Waterloo
Failed Required to Withdraw Non-degree term Off Off Apply for readmission to academic plan to continue studies
Failed Required to Withdraw Off Off Apply for readmission to academic plan - Good standing Continue studies
Failed Required to Withdraw Off Off Apply for readmission to academic plan - not successful in obtaining plan averages Continue studies in conditional standing - last opportunity to meet plan averages.

Resources for students in Conditional Standing

Foundation term contacts

General Information Know your options if you are on conditional standing or have failed the foundation term  Apply to the foundation term
Visit the Foundation Term page

Contact Environment's student transition and engagement officer 

To find out if you qualify for the foundation term, see information on conditional standings or contact student transition and engagement officer.

Contact your academic advisor and student transition and engagement officer