This panel highlights emerging scholars in Asian/American games studies. Panelists will present recent and/or ongoing work, sharing a glimpse of the emerging research questions animating the field. Topics include He’s analysis of NPC discourse, particularly the phenomena of NPC streaming, as an Asiatic form, Ganzon’s examination of Filipino political activism in digital games that extend public and community spaces, and Howard’s inquiry on 'region locking' in online games as racial practices.
This event is part of the “ADE for Game Communities: Enculturing Anti-Racism, Decolonization, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ADE) in Games Research and Creation” series from the ADE Committee of the Games Institute, University of Waterloo, and is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
This event will be held in HYBRID format. Please join us in-person at the Games Institute, EC1 at the University of Waterloo or virtually thorugh Microsoft Teams.
Speaker Bios:
Sarah Christina Ganzon, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Gaming, Media and Communication at Simon Fraser University. Her research revolves mostly around the areas of game studies and digital fandoms. Recently, she finished her thesis on otome games in English, and otome game players. She holds a PhD in Communication Studies at Concordia University and an MA in English Literature from Cardiff University. Prior to starting her doctorate, she taught courses in literature and the humanities at the University of the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas and Far Eastern University.
Huan He, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of English at Vanderbilt University. Recently, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan’s Digital Studies Institute. His research engages Asian/American literature and culture, digital studies, and critical game studies. Currently titled The Racial Interface, his book project examines the racial associations linking Asian Americans and information technologies. His research appears / is forthcoming in Configurations, College Literature: A Journal of Critical Literary Studies, Media-N and an anthology on Asian American game studies. He also writes poetry, which can be found in Poetry, Sewanee Review, A Public Space, Beloit Poetry Journal, and elsewhere.
Matthew Jungsuk Howard, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Loyola University, Chicago's School of Communication. He writes "gyopo media histories" that explore the intertwinement of the "Korean Wave" of globalized circulation of South Korean popular culture and peninsular diasporas, particularly in North America. He is particularly interested in the media-cultural histories of race, ethnicity, and nationality. When he is not spoiling all of our favorite entertainment forms, Matt can be found chasing his step-pug Morty around the house, sneaking treats to his baby conure, Jennie, and withering under Goober the Cat's disdainful gaze.