Lindsay Meaning presents Tolkien research at the Popular Culture Association (PCA) Conference

Monday, June 17, 2019

Lindsay Meaning, English PhD student studying game adaptations of literary texts and settler colonialism and imperial ideologies in single player Role-Playing Games (RPGs), presented at the Popular Culture Association (PCA) 2019 National Conference, April 17-20.

Meaning presented a paper entitled "The procedural necessity of thematic reversal in video game adaptations of Tolkien’s legendarium" in the Tolkien Studies panel. She also presented at the round table "Tolkien Studies 7: The Future of Tolkien Studies Roundtable".

Meaning's Tolkien research argued that the mechanics common in the RPG genre necessitate a thematic shift, or even a complete reversal, in game adaptations of Tolkien's legendarium; this shift occurs at the procedural level and is reflected in the narrative of these games.