Multisensory Brain and Cognition Lab welcomes applications for Postdoctoral Fellowship

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Multisensory Brain and Cognition (MBC) Lab is seeking postdoctoral applicants for a newly announced AMTD Waterloo Global Talent Postdoctoral Fellowship. The fellowship is an opportunity for one or two years of funding, with more information available here.

This fellowship at the MBC Lab will provide the incumbent with multidisciplinary training in a research environment spanning academia and industry:

The Multisensory Brain and Cognition Lab has graduated a number of successful postdoctoral fellows and provides an enriching research environment for fellows to develop their own research programs related to multisensory processing, self-motion perception and action, aging, augmented and virtual reality.

- Dr. Michael Barnett-Cowan, Director of the MBC Lab

The lab is affiliated with the Games Institute and housed in the Department of Kinesiology and the Centre for Community, Clinical and Applied Research Excellence (CCCARE).

Applications are due by March 16, 2020; those interested in applying should contact Michael Barnett-Cowan directly, at