Persuasive games to change unhealthy habits

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Rita Orji picture
The GI’s own Rita Orji is making waves in the area of persuasive computer games, where she works as a computer science researcher. Orji investigates the various areas and components of personality types and how they are depicted in the literature, with the aim to create interactive persuasive computer games that are tailored to a person’s motivational style. Persuasive games, also termed “behavioural change systems”, are interactive computer applications intended to motivate people to alter their behaviour in ways in way to benefit themselves, their community, or both.

Through collaboration, with her colleagues from The Games Institute, Chrysanne Di Marco, a professor in the School of Computer Science, and Lennart Nacke, a professor in the Department of Drama and Speech Communication, Rita has ascertained that interactive games can be customized for individuals that enjoy collaboration and co-operation rather than competition.

To learn more about Orji’s research, visit here.