- Main phone list: A-C, D-F, G-I, J-L, M-O, P-R, S-U, V-Z
- Location of departments and centres
- Labs and research offices
- Other phone lines (including conference phone lines)
- Fax lines
- Faculty of Health email lists
List of acronyms
- Kinesiology and Health Sciences (KHS)
- Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS)
- School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS)
- B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH)
- Lyle S. Hallman Institute for Health Promotion (LHN/LHS)
- Expansion (EXP)
- Toby Jenkins Building (TJB)
- Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW)
Main phone list
Name | Room | Phone | Department | User Id |
Acker, Stacey | BMH 1038 | 41338 | KHS | s2acker |
Amores, Angelica | TJB 2321 | SPHS | agamores | |
Anthony, Kelly | LHN 3729 | 42802 | SPHS | kanthony |
Archibald, Catherine | BMH 2114 | 42010 | Dean's Office | carchibald |
Au, Jason | BMH 1104 | 40522 | KHS | j23au |
Bailey, Aly | BMH 2309 | 40298 | RLS | a8bailey |
Bain, Trevor | LHS 1628 | 43738 | Computing | etbain |
Bardwell, Geoff | LHN 3707 | 41297 | SPHS | gbardwel |
Barnett-Cowan, Michael | BMH 3033 | 49177 | KHS | mbarnett |
Beach, Tyson | BMH 1052 | 40514 | KHS | tbeach |
Berbary, Lisbeth | BMH 2210 | 45404 | RLS | lberbary |
Bigelow, Phillip | BMH 3117 | 48491 | SPHS | pbigelow |
Bishop, Bonnie | BMH 3120 | 45618 | Dean's Office | b3bishop |
Boluk, Karla | BMH 2303 | 43045 | RLS | kboluk |
Burkhalter, Robin | LHS 1614 | 41617 | SPHS | rjburkhalter |
Burns, Katie | TJB 2319 | 43807 | SPHS | k33burns |
Burns, Rob | BMH 1017 | 47617 | KHS | rwburns |
Bustos, Monica | LHN 2717 | SPHS | mcbustos | |
Butler, Betina | TJB 2231 | 45513 | KHS | bbutler |
Butt, Zahid | LHN 3733 | 45107 | SPHS | z5butt |
Callaghan, Jack | BMH 3122 | 47080 | KHS | callagha |
Cannon, Jordan | BMH 1407 | KHS | jcannon | |
Carthew, Andrea | BMH 3112 | 46319 | Dean's Office | acarthew |
Cassaubon, Julie | BMH 3114 | 43923 | Dean's Office | cass |
Chan, Christy | TJB 2262 | SPHS | c3chan | |
Chandler, Lee | BMH 3026 | 49266 | KHS | lchandle |
Chandrasekhara Rao, Athira | LHN 2733 | 40257 | SPHS | A25chand |
Chaurasia, Ashok | LHN 1721 | 48093 | SPHS | a4chaura |
Chen, Helen | TJB 2272 | 42131 | SPHS | hchen |
Chen, Jonathan | TJB 2209 | 47859 | SPHS | x2chen |
Chow, Natalie | BMH 2113 | 47808 | Health | n8chow |
Clerk, Brent | LHS 1627 | 46354 | Computing | bkclerk |
Cooke, Martin | PAS 2451 | 43554 | SPHS | cooke |
Corsetti, Danielle | On Leave | 41614 | SPHS | dwiggers |
Corvaglia-Douglas, Ornell | LHN 2726 | 48266 | SPHS | ocorvagl |
Cote, Jaiden | LHN 2707 | 48189 | SPHS | jp2cote |
Cudlip Alan | BMH 1042 | 42255 | KHS | accudlip |
Dare, Emma | BMH 3038 | 46703 | KHS | edare |
Davey, Jenny | BMH 3029 | 42917 | KHS | jennyfer |
De Souza, Rochelle | LHS 1632 | 43253 | Dean's Office | Rdesouza |
Desrochers, Julie-Anne | BMH 1631 | 45663 | Dean's Office | jdesrochers |
Devries-Aboud, Michaela | BMH 1109 | 47925 | KHS | m4devrie |
Dickerson, Clark | BMH 1402 | 47844 | KHS | cdickers |
Dodd, Warren | LHN 3732 | 46856 | SPHS | wdodd |
Douglas-Mills, Michelle |
BMH 2111
48345 | Dean's Office | mdouglas |
Dubin, Joel | M3 4218 | 47318 | SPHS | jdubin |
Duncan, Robin | BMH 2411 | 48591 | KHS | reduncan |
Ehgoetz Martens, Kaylena | EXP 2692 | 46615 | KHS | kaehgoet |
Ferries, Leeann | BMH 3118 | 46350 | RLS | lferries |
Ferro, Mark | TJB 2311 | 43664 | SPHS | m2ferro |
Fischer, Steve | BMH 1606 | 42368 | KHS | sfischer |
Fluit, Michelle | LHN 2732 | 47734 | SPHS | m2fluit |
Fraser, Julia | TJB 1108 | 41248 | KHS | j3fraser |
Giangregorio, Lora | EXP 2679 | 46357 | KHS | lmgiangr |
Gibson, Haley | TJB 1173 | 40496 | UW Fitness | hggibson |
Glover, Troy | BMH 2307 | 43097 | RLS | tdglover |
Gordner, Katelyn | BMH 3110 | 41716 | Dean's Office | kjdoerbe |
Greaves, Danielle | no location | 42127 | KHS | dgreaves |
Grimwood, Bryan | BMH 2214 | 42612 | RLS | bgrimwoo |
Guler, Nilay | BMH 3107 | 41156 | Dean's Office | nguler |
Hall, Peter | LHN 2731 | 47710 | SPHS | pahall |
Hammond, David | LHS 1616 | 46462 | SPHS | dhammond |
Hang, Vivienne | BMH/LHN 1632 | 42133 | Dean's Office | vphang |
Harris, Sheereen | BMH 2409 | 42252 | KHS | s23harri |
Hellinga, Hanako | BMH 3106 | 43191 | Dean's Office | hhellinga |
Henry, Myeengun | BMH 3101 | 40989 | Dean's Office | m4henry |
Hicks, Rob | BMH 1010 | 40785 | KHS | rahicks |
Hirdes, John | TJB 2218 | 42007 | SPHS | hirdes |
Hosseinnejad, Amin | LHN 2734 | 43518 | SPHS | A3hossei |
Houston, Sara | BMH 2201 | 43530 | RLS | s3housto |
Izadi, Siyavash Sokhtabandani | BMH 1015 | 45099 | KHS | sizadiso |
Jantzi, Micaela | TJB 2211 | 47884 | SPHS | mcjantzi |
Keller, Heather | EXP 2682 | 41761 | KHS | hkeller |
Kelly, Tom | LHS 1626 | 45391 | Computing | twkelly |
King, Ashley | LHN 2712 | 46936 | SPHS | a26king |
Kio, Ibelemari | BMH 2314 | 41247 | RLS | iokio |
Kirkpatrick, Sharon | LHN 1713 | 47054 | SPHS | skirkpat |
Knowles, Nikolas | BMH 2415 | 41042 | KHS | nknowles |
Kolmel, Jessica | LHN 1729 | 41409 | SPHS | jkolmel |
Koreck, Julie | TJB 2213 | 46978 | SPHS | jkoreck |
Kraemer, Lori | TJB 1106 | 40498 | UW Fitness | lakraeme |
Laing, Andrew | BMH 1411 | 48947 | KHS | actlaing |
Laird, Brian | LHN 2729 | 42720 | SPHS | b2laird |
Law, Jane | EV3 3251 | 47369 | SPHS | j9law |
Leatherdale, Scott | TJB 2317 | 47812 | SPHS | sleather |
Linares, Nadia | BMH 3113 | 41118 | Dean's Office | nlinares |
Liu, Lili | BMH 3115 | 42126 | Dean's Office | l358liu |
Lopez, Kimberly | BMH 2211 | 42009 | RLS | kjlopez |
Luo, Hao | SPHS | H88luo | ||
MacEachen, Ellen | LHN 2723 | 47248 | SPHS | emaceach |
Maciel, Tamara | EXP 3684 | 43717 | KHS | tjmaciel |
Mair, Heather | BMH 2308 | 45917 | RLS | hmair |
Majowicz, Shannon | BMH 1709 | 41790 | SPHS | smajowicz |
Makowich, Doris |
LHN 1727
46341 | SPHS | dmakowic |
Maly, Monica | BMH 1613 | 47916 | KHS | mrmaly |
McAiney, Carrie | LHN 3728 | 45642 | SPHS | cmcainey |
McGuinness, Ryan | BMH 3110 | 41068 | Dean's Office | rfmcguin |
McLaughlin, Emily | BMH 1011 | 46833 | KHS | ecmclaug |
McIlroy, Bill | BMH 1114 | 48109 | KHS | wmcilroy |
Meehan, Sean | EXP 2694 | 49278 | KHS | skmeehan |
Meyer, Samantha | LHN 1722 | 49187 | SPHS | s7meyer |
Middleton, Laura | 45045 | TJB | lmiddleton | |
Mielke, John | LHN 2728 | 48606 | SPHS | jgmielke |
Misener, Katie | BMH 2207 | 47098 | RLS | k2misene |
Mock, Steven | BMH 2310 | 48796 | RLS | smock |
Morita, Plinio | TJB 2266 | 41372 | SPHS | pmorita |
Mourtzakis, Marina | TJB | 48459 | KHS | mmourtza |
Nadon, Alicia | BMH 3028 | 41031 | KHS | abelbeck |
Neiterman, Elena | LHN 3721 | 48221 | SPHS | eneiterm |
Neufeld, Hannah | LHN 1726 | 42269 | SPHS | h2neufel |
Niechwiej-Szwedo, Ewa | EXP 2696 | 48311 | KHS | eniechwi |
Noble, Madeleine | BMH 1012 | 46002 | KHS | mnoble |
Oenputera, Briana | LHN 1728 | 42104 | SPHS | Boenpute |
Ogrodnik, Michelle | BMH 1056 | 41319 | KHS | mogrodni |
Omenka, Charity | LHN 2709 | 41298 | SPHS | cogaomen |
Oremus, Mark | LHN 3731 | 45129 | SPHS | moremus |
Parry, Diana | BMH 2302 | 43468 | RLS | dcparry |
Pennock, Kaleigh | BMH 2212 | 42283 | RLS | k2pennoc |
Perlman, Chris | LHN 1708 | 43685 | SPHS | cmperlma |
Potwarka, Luke | BMH 2312 | 42748 | RLS | lrpotwar |
Prentice, Sandra | BMH 1013 | 42768 | KHS | sandrap |
Quadrilatero, Joe | EXP 4686 | 48131 | KHS | jquadril |
Rafferty, Zara | BMH 2304 | 45019 | RLS | zeraffer |
Reid, Jessica | LHS 1618E | 45620 | SPHS | jl3reid |
Rellinger Smith, Erin | TJB 1106 | 40495 | UW Fitness | ersmith |
Rezvani, Sherry | TJB 2327 | 40742 | SPHS | s3rezvan |
Rice, Jeff | BMH 1402 | 43563 | KHS | jp2rice |
Riggin, Brendan | BMH 2206 | 41158 | RLS | briggin |
Roth, Jeremy | BMH 1015 | 48092 | KHS | jroth |
Rush James | Provost Office | 888-4766 | Kin | jwerush |
Rynard, Vicki | LHN 1615 | 41615 | SPHS | vrynard |
Schmiedchen, Josh | LHS 1626 | 45721 | Dean's Office | jschmied |
Scholz, Melanie | BMH 3036 | 46767 | KHS | mnscholz |
Skinner, Kelly | LHN 1724 | 48164 | SPHS | kskinner |
Slaney, Kirstie | BMH 3105 | 47169 | Dean's Office | kaslaney |
Snelgrove, Ryan | BMH 2206 | 43723 | RLS | rsnelgro |
Staines, Richard | BMH 3034 | 47756 | KHS | rstaines |
Stevens, Clare | BMH 3103 | 49397 | Dean's Office | c6cummin |
Stevens, Jon | TJB 1104 | 40497 | KHS | jw2steve |
Stark, Ken | BMH 1108 | 47738 | KHS | kstark |
Thayer, Stephanie | TJB 1104 | 40494 | Fitness | s2thayer |
Thobani, Tijhiana | BMH 3110 | 41716 | Dean's Office | trthoban |
Torres Espín, Abel | LHN 2727 | 41772 | SPHS | atorrese |
Tupling, Russ | BMH 3030 | 43652 | KHS | rtupling |
Tyas, Suzanne | LHN 3719 | 42890 | SPHS | styas |
Valentim, Mark | BMH 3027 | 40424 | KHS | mavalent |
Varey, Leanne | BMH 3025 | 40499 | KHS | l3bird |
Vanwyck, Alyssa | BMH 2204 | 41633 | RLS | a8graham |
Vermeer, Julianne | TJB 2323 | 47613 | SPHS | jvermeer |
Vigna, Chris | BMH 3024 | 42971 | KHS | cvigna |
Wallace, Jim | LHN 1716 | 40184 | SPHS | jrwallac |
Watson, Emily | BMH 2202 | 40973 | RLS | e7watson |
West-Seebeck, Carol | LHN 2724 | 46352 | SPHS | cwestsee |
White, Christine | LHS 1618D | 46525 | SPHS | c5white |
Williams, Diane | LHN 1723 | 46234 | SPHS | d27williams |
Williams, Laura | LHN 3706 | 41908 | Dean's Office | l4willia |
Williamson, Lowell | LHS 1629 | 42326 | Computing | llwillia |
Wood, Laura | BMH 2208 | 43715 | RLS | l5wood |
Xenos Anderson, Eugenia | BMH 2112 | 43994 | Dean's Office | exanders |
Yates, Justin | BMH 1014 | 42918 | KHS | jyates |
Yessis, Jennifer | LHN 3726 | 42860 | SPHS | jyessis |
Ziraldo, Melissa | TJB 2207 | 46736 | SPHS | mziraldo |
Departments and centres
Department or centre name | Acronym | Location | ||
Canadian Index of Wellbeing | CIW | BMH | ||
Centre for Community, Clinical and Applied Research Excellence | CCCARE | TJB | ||
Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders | CRE-MSD | TJB | ||
School of Public Health Sciences | SPHS | LHN, TJB | ||
interRAI Canada | interRAI | TJB | ||
Kinesiology and Health Sciences | KHS | 1st & 3rd floor BMH, TJB | ||
UW Fitness | Fitness | LHS 1606, TJB | ||
Recreation and Leisure Studies | RLS | 2nd floor, BMH |
Labs and research offices
Name | Room | Phone |
Michael Barnett-Cowan | TJB 1001 | |
Jack Callaghan | BMH 1403/1413 | 38460 |
Helen Chen (Waterloo Health Information Systems and Technology Lab) | TJB 2272 | 42131 |
Michaela Devries-Aboud/Marina Mourtzakis/Joe Quadrilatero/Russ Tupling | EXP 4686 | 36703 |
Clark Dickerson | BMH 1404 | 36162 |
Steve Fischer | LHS 1610 | 38088 |
Lora Giangregorio | EXP 4689 | 38779 |
Mark Ferro | LHN 2311 | 43664 |
Andrew Laing (Biomechanics and Aging Lab) | BMH 1411 | 37492 |
Scott Leatherdale (COMPASS) | LHS 2317 | 47812 |
Peter Hall (Prevention Neuroscience Lab) | BMH 2105, 2106 | 38180 |
John Hirdes (interRAI Canada) | TJB 2213 | 46978 |
Ellen MacEachen | LHN 3734 | |
Monica Maly | LHN 1613 | 38786 |
Bill McIlroy | TJB 1113 | |
John Mielke (School of Public Health Sciences Lab) | BMH 2101 | 32921 |
Sean Meehan | EXP 2644 | |
Marina Mourtzakis | EXP 4686 | 38588 |
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo (Neuroscience Lab) | EXP 2696 | 38572 |
Plinio Morita (UbiLab) | TJB 2266 | 41372 |
Luke Potwarka (SEAT Lab) | BMH 1103, 1105 | no phone ext. |
Joe Quadrilatero (Physiology) | EXP 4686 | 38437 |
Richard Staines (Human Neurophysiology) | EXP 2698 | 37796 |
Ken Stark (Nutrition) | BMH 2417 | 37873 |
Paul Stolee (GHS Group) | LHN 2727 | 45879 |
Russ Tupling (Muscle Physiology) | EXP 4686 |
30165 |
Human Anatomy Lab (Tamara Maciel) | EXP 3683 | 43717 |
Stacey Acker (Biomechanics of Human Mobility Lab) | BMH 1405 | 32601 |
Laura Middleton (Brain and Body Lab) | EXP 2692 | 38548 |
Heather Keller (Aging and Applied Nutrition Lab) | EXP 4689 | 31783 |
Robin Duncan Lab | BMH 2411 | |
David Hammond Lab | BMH 0605 | 31066 |
Shannon Majowicz Lab | LHS 0611 | no phone |
Other phone lines
Location | Room | Phone |
Undergraduate Student Association (AHSUM) | BMH 1035A | 36237 |
Campus Dial Only Phone (M Parking Lot Entrance) | LHS 1607 | 37743 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | BMH 1048 | 31206 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | BMH 3119 | 37087 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | LHN 3713 | 37733 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | LHN 3714 | 32895 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | LHN 3701 | 37024 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | LHN 2723 | 36327 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | LHS 1633 | 38087 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | LHN 2703 | 38232 |
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room | LHN 1703 | 38234 |
Courtesy Phone - Campus Calls only | BMH lobby | 32392 |
School of Public Health Sciences Grad Lab | LHN 2718 | 37031 |
School of Anatomy (UW Anatomy Lab, Tamara Maciel) | EXP 3684 | 43717 |
Fax lines
Name | Room | Fax |
Faculty of Health's Dean's Office | BMH 3123 | 519-746-6776 |
Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders, and Ergonomics Safety Consulting Services | BMH 3123 | 519-746-6776 |
Kinesiology and Health Sciences | BMH 1402 | 519-888-4666 |
UW Fitness | LHS 1607 | 519-888-4033 |
Faculty of Health email lists
The following lists are restricted to members of the Faculty of Health and not for public use.
Mailing list name | Notes |
health-all@lists | faculty and staff in Dean's Office, departments, research and service units |
dean-all@lists | faculty and staff in Dean's Office |
sphs-all@lists | faculty and staff in School of Public Health Sciences |
kin-all@lists | faculty and staff in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences |
rec-all@lists | faculty and staff in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies |
health-faculty@lists | faculty in Dean's Office, departments, research and service units |
dean-faculty@lists | faculty in Dean's Office |
sphs-faculty@lists | faculty in School of Public Health Sciences |
kin-faculty@lists | faculty in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences |
rec-faculty@lists | faculty in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies |
health-staff@lists | staff in Dean's Office, departments, research and service units |
dean-staff@lists | staff in Dean's Office |
sphs-staff@lists | staff in School of Public Health Sciences |
kin-staff@lists | staff in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences |
rec-staff@lists | staff in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies |
health-grads@lists | graduate students in all departments |
sphs-grads@lists | Research graduate students in School of Public Health Sciences (excluding MPH-Master of Public Health students, MHE-Master of Health Evaluation students and MHI-Master of Health Informatics) |
mhe-students@lists | Master of Health Evaluation students |
mhi-students@lists | Master of Health Informatics students |
mph-students@lists | Master of Public Health students |
kin-grads@lists | graduate students in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences |
rec-grads@lists | graduate students in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies |
kin-postdocs@lists | postdoctoral fellows in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences |
rec-postdocs@lists | postdoctoral fellows in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies |
sphs-postdocs@lists | postdoctoral fellows in the School of Public Health Sciences |