Phone list

List of acronyms

  • Kinesiology and Health Sciences (KHS)
  • Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS)
  • School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS)
  • B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH)
  • Lyle S. Hallman Institute for Health Promotion (LHN/LHS)
  • Expansion (EXP)
  • Toby Jenkins Building (TJB)
  • Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW)

Main phone list

Name Room Phone Department User Id
Acker, Stacey BMH 1038 41338 KHS s2acker
Amores, Angelica TJB 2321   SPHS agamores
Anthony, Kelly LHN 3729 42802 SPHS kanthony
Archibald, Catherine BMH 2114 42010 Dean's Office carchibald
Au, Jason BMH 1104 40522 KHS j23au
Bailey, Aly BMH 2309 40298 RLS a8bailey
Bain, Trevor LHS 1628 43738 Computing etbain
Bardwell, Geoff LHN 3707 41297 SPHS gbardwel
Barnett-Cowan, Michael BMH 3033 49177 KHS mbarnett
Beach, Tyson BMH 1052 40514 KHS tbeach
Berbary, Lisbeth BMH 2210 45404 RLS lberbary
Bigelow, Phillip BMH 3117 48491 SPHS pbigelow
Bishop, Bonnie BMH 3120 45618 Dean's Office b3bishop
Boluk, Karla BMH 2303 43045 RLS kboluk
Burkhalter, Robin LHS 1614 41617 SPHS  rjburkhalter
Burns, Katie TJB 2319 43807 SPHS k33burns
Burns, Rob BMH 1017 47617 KHS rwburns
Bustos, Monica LHN 2717   SPHS mcbustos
Butler, Betina TJB 2231 45513 KHS bbutler
Butt, Zahid  LHN 3733 45107 SPHS z5butt
Callaghan, Jack BMH 3122 47080 KHS callagha
Cannon, Jordan BMH 1407   KHS jcannon
Carthew, Andrea BMH 3112 46319 Dean's Office acarthew
Cassaubon, Julie BMH 3114 43923 Dean's Office cass
Chan, Christy TJB 2262   SPHS c3chan
Chandler, Lee BMH 3026 49266 KHS lchandle
Chandrasekhara Rao, Athira LHN 2733 40257 SPHS A25chand
Chaurasia, Ashok LHN 1721 48093 SPHS a4chaura
Chen, Helen TJB 2272 42131 SPHS hchen
Chen, Jonathan TJB 2209 47859 SPHS x2chen
Chow, Natalie BMH 2113 47808 Health n8chow
Clerk, Brent LHS 1627 46354 Computing bkclerk
Cooke, Martin PAS 2451 43554 SPHS cooke
Corsetti, Danielle On Leave 41614 SPHS dwiggers
Corvaglia-Douglas, Ornell LHN 2726 48266 SPHS ocorvagl
Cote, Jaiden LHN 2707 48189 SPHS jp2cote
Cudlip Alan BMH 1042 42255 KHS accudlip
Dare, Emma BMH 3038 46703 KHS edare
Davey, Jenny BMH 3029 42917 KHS jennyfer
De Souza, Rochelle LHS 1632 43253 Dean's Office Rdesouza
Desrochers, Julie-Anne BMH 1631 45663 Dean's Office jdesrochers
Devries-Aboud, Michaela BMH 1109 47925 KHS m4devrie
Dickerson, Clark BMH 1402 47844 KHS cdickers
Dodd, Warren LHN 3732 46856 SPHS wdodd
Douglas-Mills, Michelle
BMH 2111
48345 Dean's Office mdouglas
Dubin, Joel M3 4218 47318 SPHS jdubin
Duncan, Robin BMH 2411 48591 KHS reduncan
Ehgoetz Martens, Kaylena EXP 2692 46615 KHS kaehgoet
Ferries, Leeann BMH 3118 46350 RLS lferries
Ferro, Mark TJB 2311 43664 SPHS m2ferro
Fischer, Steve BMH 1606 42368 KHS sfischer
Fluit, Michelle LHN 2732 47734 SPHS m2fluit
Fraser, Julia TJB 1108 41248 KHS j3fraser
Giangregorio, Lora EXP 2679 46357 KHS lmgiangr
Gibson, Haley TJB 1173 40496 UW Fitness hggibson
Glover, Troy BMH 2307 43097 RLS tdglover
Gordner, Katelyn BMH 3110 41716 Dean's Office kjdoerbe
Greaves, Danielle no location 42127 KHS dgreaves
Grimwood, Bryan BMH 2214 42612 RLS bgrimwoo
Guler, Nilay BMH 3107 41156 Dean's Office nguler
Hall, Peter LHN 2731 47710 SPHS pahall
Hammond, David LHS 1616 46462 SPHS dhammond
Hang, Vivienne BMH/LHN 1632 42133 Dean's Office vphang
Harris, Sheereen BMH 2409 42252 KHS s23harri
Hellinga, Hanako BMH 3106 43191 Dean's Office hhellinga
Henry, Myeengun BMH 3101 40989 Dean's Office m4henry
Hicks, Rob BMH 1010 40785 KHS rahicks
Hirdes, John TJB 2218 42007 SPHS hirdes
Hosseinnejad, Amin LHN 2734 43518 SPHS A3hossei
Houston, Sara BMH 2201 43530 RLS s3housto
Izadi, Siyavash Sokhtabandani BMH 1015 45099 KHS sizadiso
Jantzi, Micaela TJB 2211 47884 SPHS mcjantzi
Keller, Heather EXP 2682 41761 KHS hkeller
Kelly, Tom LHS 1626 45391 Computing twkelly
King, Ashley LHN 2712 46936 SPHS a26king
Kio, Ibelemari BMH 2314 41247 RLS iokio
Kirkpatrick, Sharon LHN 1713 47054 SPHS skirkpat
Knowles, Nikolas BMH 2415 41042 KHS nknowles
Kolmel, Jessica LHN 1729 41409 SPHS jkolmel
Koreck, Julie TJB 2213 46978 SPHS jkoreck
Kraemer, Lori TJB 1106 40498 UW Fitness lakraeme
Laing, Andrew BMH 1411 48947 KHS actlaing
Laird, Brian LHN 2729 42720 SPHS b2laird
Law, Jane EV3 3251 47369 SPHS j9law
Leatherdale, Scott TJB 2317 47812 SPHS sleather
Linares, Nadia BMH 3113 41118 Dean's Office nlinares
Liu, Lili  BMH 3115 42126 Dean's Office  l358liu
Lopez, Kimberly BMH 2211 42009 RLS kjlopez
Luo, Hao     SPHS H88luo
MacEachen, Ellen LHN 2723 47248 SPHS emaceach
Maciel, Tamara EXP 3684 43717 KHS tjmaciel
Mair, Heather BMH 2308 45917 RLS hmair
Majowicz, Shannon BMH 1709 41790 SPHS smajowicz
Makowich, Doris
LHN  1727
46341 SPHS dmakowic
Maly, Monica BMH 1613 47916 KHS mrmaly
McAiney, Carrie LHN 3728 45642 SPHS cmcainey
McGuinness, Ryan BMH 3110 41068 Dean's Office rfmcguin
McLaughlin, Emily BMH 1011 46833 KHS ecmclaug
McIlroy, Bill BMH 1114 48109 KHS wmcilroy
Meehan, Sean EXP 2694 49278 KHS skmeehan
Meyer, Samantha LHN 1722 49187 SPHS s7meyer
Middleton, Laura   45045 TJB lmiddleton
Mielke, John LHN 2728 48606 SPHS jgmielke
Misener, Katie BMH 2207 47098 RLS k2misene
Mock, Steven BMH 2310 48796 RLS smock
Morita, Plinio TJB 2266 41372 SPHS pmorita
Mourtzakis, Marina TJB 48459 KHS mmourtza
Nadon, Alicia BMH 3028 41031 KHS abelbeck
Neiterman, Elena LHN 3721 48221 SPHS eneiterm
Neufeld, Hannah LHN 1726 42269 SPHS h2neufel
Niechwiej-Szwedo, Ewa EXP 2696 48311 KHS eniechwi
Noble, Madeleine BMH 1012 46002 KHS mnoble
Oenputera, Briana LHN 1728 42104 SPHS Boenpute
Ogrodnik, Michelle BMH 1056 41319 KHS mogrodni
Omenka, Charity LHN 2709 41298 SPHS cogaomen
Oremus, Mark LHN 3731 45129 SPHS moremus
Parry, Diana BMH 2302 43468 RLS  dcparry
Pennock, Kaleigh BMH 2212 42283 RLS k2pennoc
Perlman, Chris LHN 1708 43685 SPHS cmperlma
Potwarka, Luke BMH 2312 42748 RLS lrpotwar
Prentice, Sandra BMH 1013 42768 KHS sandrap
Quadrilatero, Joe EXP 4686 48131 KHS jquadril
Rafferty, Zara BMH 2304 45019 RLS zeraffer
Reid, Jessica LHS 1618E 45620 SPHS jl3reid
Rellinger Smith, Erin TJB 1106 40495 UW Fitness ersmith
Rezvani, Sherry TJB 2327 40742 SPHS s3rezvan
Rice, Jeff BMH 1402 43563 KHS jp2rice
Riggin, Brendan BMH 2206 41158 RLS briggin
Roth, Jeremy BMH 1015 48092 KHS jroth
Rush James Provost Office  888-4766 Kin jwerush
Rynard, Vicki LHN 1615 41615 SPHS vrynard
Schmiedchen, Josh LHS 1626 45721 Dean's Office jschmied
Scholz, Melanie BMH 3036 46767 KHS mnscholz
Skinner, Kelly LHN 1724 48164 SPHS kskinner
Slaney, Kirstie BMH 3105 47169 Dean's Office kaslaney
Snelgrove, Ryan BMH 2206 43723 RLS rsnelgro
Staines, Richard BMH 3034 47756 KHS rstaines
Stevens, Clare BMH 3103 49397 Dean's Office c6cummin
Stevens, Jon TJB 1104 40497 KHS jw2steve
Stark, Ken BMH 1108 47738 KHS kstark
Thayer, Stephanie TJB 1104 40494 Fitness s2thayer
Thobani, Tijhiana BMH 3110 41716 Dean's Office trthoban
Torres Espín, Abel LHN 2727 41772 SPHS atorrese
Tupling, Russ BMH 3030 43652 KHS rtupling
Tyas, Suzanne LHN 3719 42890 SPHS styas
Valentim, Mark BMH 3027 40424 KHS mavalent
Varey, Leanne BMH 3025 40499 KHS l3bird
Vanwyck, Alyssa BMH 2204 41633 RLS a8graham
Vermeer, Julianne TJB 2323 47613 SPHS jvermeer
Vigna, Chris BMH 3024 42971 KHS cvigna
Wallace, Jim LHN 1716 40184 SPHS jrwallac
Watson, Emily BMH 2202 40973 RLS e7watson
West-Seebeck, Carol LHN 2724 46352 SPHS cwestsee
White, Christine LHS 1618D 46525 SPHS c5white
Williams, Diane LHN 1723 46234 SPHS d27williams
Williams, Laura LHN 3706 41908 Dean's Office l4willia
Williamson, Lowell LHS 1629 42326 Computing llwillia
Wood, Laura BMH 2208 43715 RLS l5wood
Xenos Anderson, Eugenia  BMH 2112 43994 Dean's Office exanders
Yates, Justin BMH 1014 42918 KHS jyates
Yessis, Jennifer LHN 3726 42860 SPHS jyessis
Ziraldo, Melissa TJB 2207 46736 SPHS mziraldo

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Departments and centres

Department or centre name Acronym Location
Canadian Index of Wellbeing CIW BMH 
Centre for Community, Clinical and Applied Research Excellence CCCARE TJB
Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders CRE-MSD TJB
School of Public Health Sciences SPHS LHN, TJB
interRAI Canada interRAI TJB 
Kinesiology and Health Sciences KHS 1st & 3rd floor BMH, TJB
UW Fitness Fitness LHS 1606, TJB
Recreation and Leisure Studies RLS 2nd floor, BMH

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Labs and research offices

Name Room Phone
Michael Barnett-Cowan TJB 1001  
Jack Callaghan  BMH 1403/1413 38460
Helen Chen (Waterloo Health Information Systems and Technology Lab) TJB 2272 42131
Michaela Devries-Aboud/Marina Mourtzakis/Joe Quadrilatero/Russ Tupling EXP 4686 36703
Clark Dickerson BMH 1404 36162
Steve Fischer LHS 1610 38088
Lora Giangregorio EXP 4689 38779
Mark Ferro LHN 2311 43664
Andrew Laing (Biomechanics and Aging Lab) BMH 1411 37492
Scott Leatherdale (COMPASS) LHS 2317 47812
Peter Hall (Prevention Neuroscience Lab) BMH 2105, 2106 38180
John Hirdes (interRAI Canada) TJB 2213 46978
Ellen MacEachen LHN 3734  
Monica Maly LHN 1613 38786
Bill McIlroy TJB 1113  
John Mielke (School of Public Health Sciences Lab) BMH 2101 32921
Sean Meehan EXP 2644  
Marina Mourtzakis  EXP 4686 38588
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo (Neuroscience Lab) EXP 2696 38572
Plinio Morita (UbiLab) TJB 2266 41372
Luke Potwarka (SEAT Lab) BMH 1103, 1105 no phone ext.
Joe Quadrilatero (Physiology) EXP 4686 38437
Richard Staines (Human Neurophysiology) EXP 2698 37796
Ken Stark (Nutrition) BMH 2417 37873
Paul Stolee (GHS Group) LHN 2727 45879
Russ Tupling (Muscle Physiology) EXP 4686


Human Anatomy Lab (Tamara Maciel) EXP 3683 43717
Stacey Acker (Biomechanics of Human Mobility Lab) BMH 1405 32601
Laura Middleton (Brain and Body Lab) EXP 2692 38548
Heather Keller (Aging and Applied Nutrition Lab) EXP 4689 31783
Robin Duncan Lab  BMH 2411  
David Hammond Lab  BMH 0605 31066
Shannon Majowicz Lab LHS 0611 no phone

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Other phone lines

Location Room Phone
Undergraduate Student Association (AHSUM) BMH 1035A 36237
Campus Dial Only Phone (M Parking Lot Entrance) LHS 1607 37743
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room BMH 1048 31206
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room BMH 3119 37087
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room LHN 3713 37733
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room LHN 3714 32895
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room LHN 3701 37024
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room LHN 2723 36327
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room LHS 1633 38087
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room LHN 2703 38232
Conference Phone Line Meeting Room LHN 1703 38234
Courtesy Phone - Campus Calls only BMH lobby 32392
School of Public Health Sciences Grad Lab LHN 2718 37031
School of Anatomy (UW Anatomy Lab, Tamara Maciel) EXP 3684 43717

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Fax lines

Name Room Fax
Faculty of Health's Dean's Office BMH 3123 519-746-6776
Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders, and Ergonomics Safety Consulting Services BMH 3123 519-746-6776
Kinesiology and Health Sciences BMH 1402 519-888-4666
UW Fitness LHS 1607 519-888-4033

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Faculty of Health email lists

The following lists are restricted to members of the Faculty of Health and not for public use.

Mailing list name Notes
health-all@lists faculty and staff in Dean's Office, departments, research and service units
dean-all@lists faculty and staff in Dean's Office
sphs-all@lists faculty and staff in School of Public Health Sciences
kin-all@lists faculty and staff in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
rec-all@lists faculty and staff in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
health-faculty@lists faculty in Dean's Office, departments, research and service units
dean-faculty@lists faculty in Dean's Office
sphs-faculty@lists faculty in School of Public Health Sciences
kin-faculty@lists faculty in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
rec-faculty@lists faculty in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
health-staff@lists staff in Dean's Office, departments, research and service units
dean-staff@lists staff in Dean's Office
sphs-staff@lists staff in School of Public Health Sciences
kin-staff@lists staff in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
rec-staff@lists staff in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
health-grads@lists graduate students in all departments
sphs-grads@lists Research graduate students in School of Public Health Sciences (excluding MPH-Master of Public Health students, MHE-Master of Health Evaluation students and MHI-Master of Health Informatics)
mhe-students@lists Master of Health Evaluation students
mhi-students@lists Master of Health Informatics students
mph-students@lists Master of Public Health students
kin-grads@lists graduate students in Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
rec-grads@lists graduate students in Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
kin-postdocs@lists postdoctoral fellows in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
rec-postdocs@lists postdoctoral fellows in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
sphs-postdocs@lists postdoctoral fellows in the School of Public Health Sciences

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