Entrepreneur Ami Richter and Olympian Heather Moyse speak at TEDxUW

Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:00 am - 5:00 am EST (GMT -05:00)

AHS Alumni Ami Richter (BA '01, Recreation and Leisure Studies) and Heather Moyse (BSc '00, Kinesiology) are coming back to campus for TEDxUW.

Ami Richter photo

Ami Richter (BA '01, RLS), founder of Lug travel accessories, is just a regular gal.  But how does a "regular gal" with a knack for design end up on a phone call with the folks from O, The Oprah Magazine? The answer is surprisingly simple: a lot of hard work and a little luck along the way. When Richter and her future husband Jason founded Lug in 2005, they saw a sea of "black and boring" in the travel accessory market, and they knew they could brighten it up. Soon after they got a call from one of Oprah's editors, about featuring the smart and stylish Puddle Jumper bag on the famed O List – an honour that felt like a big high-five for a job well done.

Heather Moyse photo

From a heart of gold to a passion worth gold, it is no surprise to those who’ve met her that Heather Moyse (BSc '00, KIN) won Olympic gold. With her bobsled pilot Kaillie Humphries, the duo became Canada's first-ever Women's Bobsled Olympic gold medal at 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Heather has also represented Canada on the National Senior Women’s Rugby team in 22 international rugby games. Because of an ankle injury, Heather decided to take up track cycling to give her ankle a break. After clipping into pedals for the first time in June 2011, and riding on a track for the first time in September 2011, she earned her spot to represented Canada in the Pan American Cycling Championships in Argentina in March 2012, making track cycling her third national sport for Canada.

As an exemplary role model in both sport and life, Heather is an inspiration to people of all ages, and stands as a symbol of what it is to be a true leader.

About TEDxUW

TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth
spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. At TEDx events, unique talks given by live speakers combine with TEDTalks videos to spark deep conversation and connections.

TEDxUW On-Campus Livestream Event: Build Your Edge

Registration is now closed. Tickets are $5.
This year's on-campus Livestream Event is about building your EDGE
through forging human networks. In addition to watching our speakers streamed live, you'll also have access to many elements that are unique to the Livestream Event including an experiential learning exhibit co-developed by REAP and TEDxUW's in-house design team, displays of "live-drawn" artistic renderings of the speakers' messages, and our exclusive Insight Cafe. At this event, representatives from some of UW's and KW's best-connected and most innovative organizations will be on-hand to answer your questions about bringing your ideas from concept to implementation, helping you take the next step towards entrepreneurial success.