Event Details

Celebrate International Poetry Month in community, engaged in a relaxed practice of storying. Join Shelly Grace, Toronto-based spoken word poet, for a session on practices of free story-writing, story-telling, and story-listening. Participants will practice free-writing and listening-to-listen, not respond. Giana Tomas, a PhD Candidate in Recreation and Leisure Studies, will open our session with a description of the Filipin* talk-story method of Kuwentuhan to welcome and invite different cultural textures to our discussion of storying practices.

Sharing is optional. No experience with poetry or preparation is needed. All comrades welcome. Light refreshments will be available. 

This event is supported by: Faculty of Health Dean's Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Aniti-racism, Ginhawa: Gatherings for refuge, relief, and rest.

This event is open to all students, staff, faculty, and postdocs in the Faculty of Health. Space is limited.  Registration required.

Questions?  Please contact Professor Kim Lopez: kimberly.lopez@uwaterloo.ca


Shelly Grace is a Toronto-based spoken word poet, photographer, and arts educator. She uses her art for community building and healing and focuses on the experiences of women and the Black community. In 2022, she was named Toronto’s Breakthrough Artist by the Toronto Arts Foundation, and JAYU's Emerging Artist of the Year. 

In 2019, she won the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word while on the Up From The Roots slam team, becoming a National Spoken Word Champion. She has competed internationally as well, representing Canada in three American competitions. 

Shelly has contributed significantly to Toronto's arts and culture scene through various professional and artistic roles. She has performed and worked for groups such as Toronto Poetry Slam (TPS), Toronto Public Library (TPL), Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), Toronto District School Board (TDSB), and more, sharing her voice across the city.  

Shelly continues to be unapologetically Black, loud, giving, and a force.

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Light refreshments will be available.