You may be used to using the same approach when studying for different types of tests.

While this might have worked for you in the past, using different strategies for the different types of questions you will encounter may be more effective.

Multiple choice questions require you to understand the material and make connections between course concepts. Problem-solving questions often have multiple parts and require a multi-step approach that can include calculations, written analysis, and visual diagrams. Written answer questions require you to make connections, understand similarities/differences in concepts, and provide evidence to back your position. This presentation will provide strategies to help you effectively study for all types of questions you may encounter in university.

All undergraduate Health students are invited to this series of hybrid workshops covering some key skills for academic success in university!

This workshop will be hosted by Vivienne Hang, Student Relations Officer.

Pizza and refreshments will be provided, while quantities last. No registration required.

If you would like to join us virtually or to review content asynchronously after this session has passed, please contact Vivienne Hang, Student Relations Officer at for access. 

See other Toolkit for Success workshops at Health Events.