The conference, which took place October 18 to 20 in London, Ontario, featured the theme, ‘Ergonomics and Performance: Health, safety and beyond’ recognizing that ergonomics and human factors theory, evaluation, and design principles not only have a positive impact on health and safety, but can contribute to the optimization of product, system, and environmental designs.
Alan Cudlip (above) won the ACE Undergraduate Award with a paper titled, "The Influence of Task Frequency and Force Direction on Psychophysically Acceptable Forces in the Context of Biomechanical Weakest Links." The paper resulted from research performed on a co-op work term with faculty member Clark Dickerson, and featured Waterloo professor Richard Wells as co-author.

Callaghan, who also served as Scientific Chair of the conference, is seen presenting Cudlip and Howarth with their awards.