John Hirdes, Professor in the School of Public Health and Health Systems, and Ontario Home Care Research and Knowledge Exchange Chair, has been honoured with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal for his significant contributions to home and community care.
The commemorative medal, created to mark the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, provides a tangible way recognize those Canadians who, like Her Majesty, have dedicated themselves to service to family, community and country.

“The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal bestows a significant honour upon the recipients,” said Minister of State for Seniors Ralph Sultan. “Home and community care programs and organizations provide many support services for seniors, and others who are vulnerable in our communities. Seniors particularly, who receive these health care needs have told us that it helps them to remain independent and in their home longer. We applaud those who help us remain healthier and happier by keeping us closer to friends, family and loved ones.”
Medal recipients at the event included individuals involved in supporting family caregivers, undertaking research and knowledge dissemination, stimulating innovation in home and community care and championing vulnerable individuals across Canada. Through their collective involvement in advancing home and community care, Canada can achieve a vision of integrated health and wellness that provides accessible, responsive services that enable people to safely stay in their homes with dignity, independence and quality of life.
“Given the significance of the Diamond Jubilee medal as a reflection of the Queen’s lifelong commitment to service, I can think of no better way to recognize the dedication and commitment that each of today' recipients have shown to the betterment of communities and quality of life in Canada.’ stated Nadine Henningsen.
The Diamond Jubilee Medal, which is a national honour, recognizes citizens of all ages and walks of life who have made significant contributions to their communities. Further information about the Diamond Jubilee can be obtained by visiting the Governor General’s website at